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I like and subscribe to Motor Trend because they seem to feature the most American cars.
john from Staffs
There are only two motor magazines in England that are worth reading. "Motor Sport" and "The Automobile". The remainder are juvenile garbage.
I'm reading the German classic car-magazines "Oldtimer Markt" since Jan.1986 and the "Oldtimer Praxis" since first release in 1990. Sometimes, but not often, I buy the "Motor Klassik".
Magazines about actual cars I'm not interested in.
I'm collectiing all kind of car-magazines from around the world, when there is an article about the VW K 70 inside. So these are magazines from the 70ies, sometimes actual classic-magazines from different countries.
Thank to eBay, so I got a lot of magazines from all continents (but not enough, I'm still searching) with K 70-articles. I don't know how many, perhaps 30 or 40, perhaps 50. Until now I was too lazy to sort and register them.
Magazines about actual cars I'm not interested in.
I'm collectiing all kind of car-magazines from around the world, when there is an article about the VW K 70 inside. So these are magazines from the 70ies, sometimes actual classic-magazines from different countries.
Thank to eBay, so I got a lot of magazines from all continents (but not enough, I'm still searching) with K 70-articles. I don't know how many, perhaps 30 or 40, perhaps 50. Until now I was too lazy to sort and register them.
Sounds very interesting CCF! If only I could read Spanish! I would like a career in transportation planning and development.
Hehe, its quite interesting actually this magazine.
I only would subscribe to any of the above if I got the mailer for cheap subscriptions. I used to subscribe to EuroTuner but got bored with it. Now the only magazine I get is HouseBeautiful and Architectural Digest which were free from the MyCokeRewards site.
Motor Trend all the way.
I really like Auto Oggi, Al Volante, Cambio (italian-only magazines), Auto Motor und Sport and Evo. But my favourite is Audi Magazine (

I am subscribed to a magazine called Tráfico (Traffic) which talks about that
Sounds very interesting CCF! If only I could read Spanish! I would like a career in transportation planning and development.
Hemmings Classic Car
Collectible Automobile
Motor Trend Classic (sensing a theme here?)
also the Buick Bugle for Buick Club of America members
Collectible Automobile
Motor Trend Classic (sensing a theme here?)
also the Buick Bugle for Buick Club of America members
Each month i get Top Gear Magazine