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Most surprising/interesting is probably that Thames van .. and the fact that the Allanté is considered to be European ( but i'll give them that the unusual way of producing those cars makes it a little bit on the fence.. )
Here is from MSN/Autocar slide presentation of these Most interesting European cars we’ve ever spotted in American junkyards

@ingo, some time ago on the internet I stumbled upon these two pictures of a VW K70 abandoned in a yard (with other old cars) which should be not far from my area (center-south of Italy), but I have no idea where it is precisely.

I just read a notice from 2020, that the owner of this legendary VW junkyard -I visited in 1993 and was allowed to take photos- is grumpy, because he cannot find someone, who want take over his business.
Continental Specialities Alamogordo NM
Continental Specialities Alamogordo NM
That's pretty cool, ingo! Is there a link to the video? For me, I hope there's a video out there saving a poor junkyard MDX.
Err, no, there is no video, I wrote newspaper
So there is only a link to the article.
Behind the paywall, but the visible photo is
the only one of the car itself in the printarticle
About a MDX I cannot help you - the videos, the algorythm shows me, are nearly all from Europe - where Acura never was sold.
That's pretty cool, ingo! Is there a link to the video? For me, I hope there's a video out there saving a poor junkyard MDX.
Besides the masses of videos about lost places and abandoned cars, I actually got, when I open Youtube on my smartphone, I just read in the local newspaper of my former hometown, that on the parking behind my old school there is an abandoned Maserati Quattroporte V.
Back in the years, when it was worth, I had for such abandoned cars, which already got the large red sticker of the town council on the windscreen (in Berlin called "Take what you need sticker") a small screwdriver (for the badges) and an original VW metal cramp for removing Audi and VW (except K 70) hubcaps in my pocket.
For metallen hubcaps without the two little holes for the cramp I used the key for our back garden door, which had the perfect shape for that purpose.
Back in the years, when it was worth, I had for such abandoned cars, which already got the large red sticker of the town council on the windscreen (in Berlin called "Take what you need sticker") a small screwdriver (for the badges) and an original VW metal cramp for removing Audi and VW (except K 70) hubcaps in my pocket.
For metallen hubcaps without the two little holes for the cramp I used the key for our back garden door, which had the perfect shape for that purpose.
That abandoned Volvo dealership in Belgium is still unchanged, same cars in the showroom since at least 2009, although the ones outside have been removed.,6.0055099,3a,75y,355.22h,90.05t/data=!3m- 6!1e1!3m4!1siv6Zj2SE3AfTflDGD-9Vgg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en,6.0055099,3a,75y,355.22h,90.05t/data=!3m- 6!1e1!3m4!1siv6Zj2SE3AfTflDGD-9Vgg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656?hl=en
the Morris looks more like its in jail than in a junkyard ...

The local junkyard again:
Morris 8
Mazda 626 LX 2.0
Morris 8

Mazda 626 LX 2.0