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Search by missing images?
Published 02/12/2006 @ 17:25:03, By ahight
Is there a way to search the site for movies listed that have cars listed but are missing images. I've found a couple just looking at movies I know, like:

So i've added those to my rental list. Is there a way to search for others?

I can't believe i've been thru my whole collection of movies. I still have VHS tapes but dont have a way to capture those yet.

Thanks! :grin:


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Search by missing images?
Published 02/12/2006 @ 17:45:43, By antp
There is no search on that because no picture info is stored in the database :ohwell:
But you can pick a make or model, take a car that has no picture, and then it will usually give you a movie without pictures.

Latest Edition: 02/12/2006 @ 17:46:40
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Search by missing images?
Published 02/12/2006 @ 17:48:17, By ahight
that's ok. i went thru the list of movies on the site and found a couple i haven't seen in years...then clicked on the link and was like "Yey!!! No images"

so i got a good list going now of missing images....and i'll be careful with those background cars from now on! :grin:
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