Misc » Slogans you like the best?
Slogans you like the best?
Published 17/06/2007 @ 19:30:18, By Neptune
What are "Three" Car Company Slogans you like the best? (The Slogans can be old and/or new, discontinued or still in use)
Mine, in no order of importance:
(1) GMC - "We are professional grade"
(2) BMW - "The ultimate driving machine"
(3) Mazda – "Zoom Zoom" (Liked the catchy little song that went with it too.)
Mine, in no order of importance:
(1) GMC - "We are professional grade"
(2) BMW - "The ultimate driving machine"
(3) Mazda – "Zoom Zoom" (Liked the catchy little song that went with it too.)
Slogans you like the best?
Published 18/06/2007 @ 00:42:16, By wickey
Volvo - "Beat the system. Buy a Volvo" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UocNmyc0KVo Priceless

Slogans you like the best?
Published 18/06/2007 @ 05:44:56, By qwerty_86
"Have you driven a Ford lately?"
"It's not your father's Oldsmobile"
"An American Revolution" (Guess which two car companies used this same slogan)
"It's not your father's Oldsmobile"
"An American Revolution" (Guess which two car companies used this same slogan)
Slogans you like the best?
Published 18/06/2007 @ 14:01:03, By antp
"Mais que reste-t-il aux grandes ?" & "Elle a tout d'une grande" (means roughly "But what remains for the big ones ?" & "It/She has all from a big one"), for the original Renault Clio (1991)
They made few ads with that, a nice one is that one: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1709_clioemirfr
translation of dialogs:
- kingdom, petrol, honors, responsibilities, all is yours now.
- yes father
- one detail though
- yes father
- you'll have to renounce to your Clio
- renounce? But father, this is nonsense. Look, French people are right by saying "Elle a tout d'une grande"
- Not enough expensive, my son
It is actually the last sentence of the dialogue in the ad rather than the slogan that is well known and funny
Latest Edition: 18/06/2007 @ 14:10:49
They made few ads with that, a nice one is that one: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1709_clioemirfr
translation of dialogs:
- kingdom, petrol, honors, responsibilities, all is yours now.
- yes father
- one detail though
- yes father
- you'll have to renounce to your Clio
- renounce? But father, this is nonsense. Look, French people are right by saying "Elle a tout d'une grande"
- Not enough expensive, my son
It is actually the last sentence of the dialogue in the ad rather than the slogan that is well known and funny

Latest Edition: 18/06/2007 @ 14:10:49
Slogans you like the best?
Published 18/06/2007 @ 23:56:52, By wrenchhead
I generally think car slogans are dumb but think the Jaguar slogan is clever:
Grace.... space... pace.
For more slogans check out http://www.textart.ru/database/english-advertising-slogans/car-brand-advertising-slogans.html
Grace.... space... pace.
For more slogans check out http://www.textart.ru/database/english-advertising-slogans/car-brand-advertising-slogans.html
Slogans you like the best?
Published 18/06/2007 @ 23:59:18, By wickey
Don't dream it. Drive it. (Jaguar)
Slogans you like the best?
Published 20/06/2007 @ 10:51:02, By stronghold
"The All-Action Almera" (nissan) with 'The Professionals' style tv advert.
I wouldn't say I like this slogan the best, but it was fun.!
I wouldn't say I like this slogan the best, but it was fun.!

Slogans you like the best?
Published 23/06/2007 @ 00:09:36, By Alexander
Slogans you like the best?
Published 23/06/2007 @ 00:12:47, By antp
At least that one is true!
Latest Edition: 23/06/2007 @ 00:12:59

Latest Edition: 23/06/2007 @ 00:12:59
Slogans you like the best?
Published 15/07/2007 @ 04:41:42, By Explorer4
1. [Ford] Have You Driven a Ford Lately?
2. [Chevy] An American Revolution
3. [Ford] Built for the Road Ahead
2. [Chevy] An American Revolution
3. [Ford] Built for the Road Ahead
Slogans you like the best?
Published 15/07/2007 @ 12:28:36, By antp
4. [Imcdb] All accounts of Explorer4x4 shall be banned.
Slogans you like the best?
Published 07/05/2008 @ 01:16:48, By marioman3138
(Oldsmobile) It's the new generation of Oldsmobile
(Holden) Kangroos, Vegmite and Holden cars
(Holden) Holden turns 60, now thats a big deal
(Holden) Kangroos, Vegmite and Holden cars
(Holden) Holden turns 60, now thats a big deal
Slogans you like the best?
Published 07/05/2008 @ 01:56:25, By CarChasesFanatic
I like
BMW, ¿Te gusta conducir? ¿Do you like driving?
Seat i like this one because it describes the feeling you can have with a car in just oen word "Autoemoción"
Im sure there are others i like.
BMW, ¿Te gusta conducir? ¿Do you like driving?
Seat i like this one because it describes the feeling you can have with a car in just oen word "Autoemoción"
Im sure there are others i like.
Slogans you like the best?
Published 07/05/2008 @ 14:19:36, By Wampa-One
I liked what Joel said after outrunning Guido the Killer Pimp in Risky Business, "Porsche. There is no substitute."
Slogans you like the best?
Published 07/05/2008 @ 14:23:26, By Wampa-One
Also, there are some funny (not real) ones here: http://web-cars.com/humor/you.html
A few of my favorites:
Chevrolet Chevette - I like seeing people's reactions when I tell them I have a 'Vette
Chevrolet El Camino - I am leading a militia to overthrow the government
Chrysler Cordoba - I dig the rich Corinthian leather
Ford Mustang - I slow down to 85 in school zones
Isuzu Impulse - I do not give a damn about J.D. Power or his reports.
Kia Sephia - I learned nothing from the failure of Daihatsu Corp.
Pontiac Trans AM - I have a switchblade in my sock
Porsche 911 Turbo - I have a three inch thingie
Porsche 944 - I am dating big haired women that otherwise would be inaccessible to me
Subaru Legacy - I have always wanted a Japanese car even more inferior than
A few of my favorites:
Chevrolet Chevette - I like seeing people's reactions when I tell them I have a 'Vette
Chevrolet El Camino - I am leading a militia to overthrow the government
Chrysler Cordoba - I dig the rich Corinthian leather
Ford Mustang - I slow down to 85 in school zones
Isuzu Impulse - I do not give a damn about J.D. Power or his reports.
Kia Sephia - I learned nothing from the failure of Daihatsu Corp.
Pontiac Trans AM - I have a switchblade in my sock
Porsche 911 Turbo - I have a three inch thingie
Porsche 944 - I am dating big haired women that otherwise would be inaccessible to me
Subaru Legacy - I have always wanted a Japanese car even more inferior than
Slogans you like the best?
Published 07/05/2008 @ 23:30:58, By Neptune
Here’s a few more (courtesy of me ...
Ford Expedition – I like towing things larger than my house.
Ford Crown Victoria (Civilian) – I like impersonating a cop.
Ford Crown Victoria (Police) – I like being a cop *I also enjoy arresting those who impersonate a cop*
Ford Taurus – I hate the Toyota Camry.
Hummer H1 – I couldn’t afford the AM General HMMWV Humvee.
Hummer H2 – I buy marijuana.
Cadillac Escalade – I sell marijuana.
Honda Civic – Exxon, eat your heart out.
Honda Accord – Consumer Reports is your friend.
BMW M5 – Speed limit ... What speed limit?
BMW 7-Series – I only drive the best ...
Mercedes S-Class AMG – The only car that simultaneously allows you arrive in style while announcing you’re a prick.
Toyota Prius – Is it because I care or because I want people to think I care?
Toyota Sequoia – Let the gas prices rise, I don’t give a damn.
Toyota Land Cruiser – Wait! What does this button do? I forgot.
Toyota Camry – I hate the Ford Taurus.
Latest Edition: 07/05/2008 @ 23:35:36

Ford Expedition – I like towing things larger than my house.
Ford Crown Victoria (Civilian) – I like impersonating a cop.
Ford Crown Victoria (Police) – I like being a cop *I also enjoy arresting those who impersonate a cop*
Ford Taurus – I hate the Toyota Camry.
Hummer H1 – I couldn’t afford the AM General HMMWV Humvee.
Hummer H2 – I buy marijuana.
Cadillac Escalade – I sell marijuana.
Honda Civic – Exxon, eat your heart out.
Honda Accord – Consumer Reports is your friend.
BMW M5 – Speed limit ... What speed limit?
BMW 7-Series – I only drive the best ...
Mercedes S-Class AMG – The only car that simultaneously allows you arrive in style while announcing you’re a prick.
Toyota Prius – Is it because I care or because I want people to think I care?
Toyota Sequoia – Let the gas prices rise, I don’t give a damn.
Toyota Land Cruiser – Wait! What does this button do? I forgot.
Toyota Camry – I hate the Ford Taurus.
Latest Edition: 07/05/2008 @ 23:35:36
Slogans you like the best?
Published 11/05/2008 @ 11:31:44, By BeanBandit
These used to be on the rear window stickers put there by importers.
Lujaa laatua Lada = Tough quality Lada
Toyota ylivoimaa = Toyota overpower
Se. Varma. Kotimainen. = It. Dependable. Domestic. (SAAB)
Ajattele millä ajat - Volvo = Think what you drive - Volvo
Fiat - petojen sukua = Fiat - breed of the beasts
Johtotähti kaikilla teillä = Leading star on all roads (Mercedes)
Aito American rauta = Real American iron (AMC)
Opel on pop = Opel is pop
Ei vettä, ei rasvaa, vain tippa bensaa = No water, no grease, only a drop of gas (Renault 4)
Timantit ovat ikuisia - Mitsubishi = Diamonds are forever - Mitsubisbi
Katsot Suomen horisonttiin - You're looking at Finnish horizon (Talbot Horizon)
Lujaa laatua Lada = Tough quality Lada
Toyota ylivoimaa = Toyota overpower
Se. Varma. Kotimainen. = It. Dependable. Domestic. (SAAB)
Ajattele millä ajat - Volvo = Think what you drive - Volvo
Fiat - petojen sukua = Fiat - breed of the beasts
Johtotähti kaikilla teillä = Leading star on all roads (Mercedes)
Aito American rauta = Real American iron (AMC)
Opel on pop = Opel is pop
Ei vettä, ei rasvaa, vain tippa bensaa = No water, no grease, only a drop of gas (Renault 4)
Timantit ovat ikuisia - Mitsubishi = Diamonds are forever - Mitsubisbi
Katsot Suomen horisonttiin - You're looking at Finnish horizon (Talbot Horizon)
Slogans you like the best?
Published 11/05/2008 @ 13:05:07, By ingo
A Volkswagen-slogan in the 60ies was: "Volkswagen. Da weiß man, was man hat"
means: "there you know, what you have"
Later, in the 70ies, this slogan was used for Persil-washing powder, too
NSU-drivers (as I wrote somewhere else, they didn't like VW for traditional reasons) had created the slogan (available as stickers and on T-shirts): "NSU. Da hört man, was man fährt"
means: "NSU.There you can hear, what you drive"
means: "there you know, what you have"
Later, in the 70ies, this slogan was used for Persil-washing powder, too
NSU-drivers (as I wrote somewhere else, they didn't like VW for traditional reasons) had created the slogan (available as stickers and on T-shirts): "NSU. Da hört man, was man fährt"
means: "NSU.There you can hear, what you drive"
Slogans you like the best?
Published 11/05/2008 @ 13:09:16, By ingo
Until the late 60ies in the GDR it was allowed to make PR-advertises and TV- and radio-spots for consumer's goods. Later it was forbidden.
A friend has a tape of an old GDR-radio-commercial: "MZ ETZ 250 Sport. Für Männer, die fahren können".
means: MZ ETZ 250 Sport. For men, who know, how to drive"
What an embarassing joke, such a slogan for 250ccm-crap from the East.
Latest Edition: 11/05/2008 @ 13:10:01
A friend has a tape of an old GDR-radio-commercial: "MZ ETZ 250 Sport. Für Männer, die fahren können".
means: MZ ETZ 250 Sport. For men, who know, how to drive"
What an embarassing joke, such a slogan for 250ccm-crap from the East.

Latest Edition: 11/05/2008 @ 13:10:01