Old contributions (archive) » [n/a] The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
[n/a] The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 29/05/2008 @ 11:49:25, By vilero
In Spain: "La espia que me amó"
One more car that I have found. It's a mixed Fiat Barchetta submarine-car, and only used in this scene. 2 stars
Latest Edition: 29/05/2008 @ 23:00:33
In Spain: "La espia que me amó"
One more car that I have found. It's a mixed Fiat Barchetta submarine-car, and only used in this scene. 2 stars

Latest Edition: 29/05/2008 @ 23:00:33
The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 29/05/2008 @ 15:14:00, By Neon
I think is a fake... I saw this movie, and this scene don't exist.
The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 29/05/2008 @ 17:06:13, By vilero
Like you, now I don't remember that scene, but look this Fiat Barchetta french page
Well as I have this movie I'll look for it.
Well as I have this movie I'll look for it.
The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 29/05/2008 @ 21:12:01, By antp
how do you want to find in a 1977 movie a Fiat Barchetta, a model which was started in 1995 ?
[n/a] The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 31/05/2008 @ 17:51:56, By vilero
I think is a fake... I saw this movie, and this scene don't exist.
You were right. Certainly is a fake, a big fake.
That's the correct picture

And, obviously this french page is wrong
[n/a] The Spy Who Loved Me, 1977
Published 11/06/2008 @ 17:15:23, By vilero
I wrote to www.barchettaclub.fr informing about that mistake and.....all is a joke. This is their answer: "Hello. Don't worry, it is only a joke organised by a friend, because my white barchetta was build from a barchetta who falls into the water in 2003 :-)))
In France every barchetta owner knows my white barchetta and everybody knows that it is a joke, we made a big comunication job on this rebuilding."
Tha's all folks. Anyhow I must be more careful with the images I can find in the web.
In France every barchetta owner knows my white barchetta and everybody knows that it is a joke, we made a big comunication job on this rebuilding."
Tha's all folks. Anyhow I must be more careful with the images I can find in the web.