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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 09/09/2008 @ 12:52:26, By Tetley
Hi, I'm really hoping you can help me out. i found this picture on the internet a couple of weeks ago and thought it was from American Graffiti but now that I've seen the movie I'm not so sure! Can anyone give a definate answer as to which film it's come from please it's pretty important!
Thanks very much
Kind regards
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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 12/09/2008 @ 08:58:11, By valiant1962
Could be Two Lane Blacktop. I have never seen it and it is not listed on IMCDB yet, but the 55 Chev from American Graffiti was originally used in that
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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 12/09/2008 @ 09:33:52, By BlackIce_GTS
-Here's what the car in Two Lane Blacktop looks like, and here's what the same car (I didn't know that) looked like in American Graffiti. Neither look like this one.
-I think all that chrome trim makes this a Bel Air, but I couldn't find a car like this in the database (there are three pages of '55 Bel Airs, I may have missed it).
-Those seem to be rather big wheels and quite low profile tires, maybe this picture is more recent?
-This doesn't really mean anything, just an observation; the other car (???) appears to have an air dam on the front and has low-drag hubcaps like it's made for high speed runs, but the roof isn't chopped. Hmm.
-Aside: how can we not have Two Lane Blacktop?
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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 12/09/2008 @ 09:44:07, By atom
We have that movie but it's listed as Two-Lane Blacktop note the "-"

I have planned to see this movie for some time, guess I should do it soon.
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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 12/09/2008 @ 10:07:49, By antp
When searching for a title, if you do not find the movie it is sometimes good to try with just a word of the title, for cases like this one when a dash can be added :wink:
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Can you identify the movie - please help!
Published 13/09/2008 @ 06:06:56, By valiant1962
Maybe it is an attempt to copy AMerican Graffiti. Also the 55 Chevy that crashes at the end of American Graffiti was prepared for a similar scene in Two-Lane Blacktop, that was cancelled. So there were two 55's used in American Graffiti, out of the three prepared for Two-Lane Blacktop
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