Misc » Saving pictures from video files
Saving pictures from video files
Published 25/03/2006 @ 23:57:00, By Raul1983
Is there any way to save pictures from RealPlayer, QuickTime or WinAmp video files ? I mean when you stop the picture it would be nice to be able to save it somehow. And it would be so much faster than playing with a camera.

Saving pictures from video files
Published 26/03/2006 @ 00:03:39, By antp
For Quicktime I think that you can do a screencapture (using Printscreen key).
For Realplayer, maybe that with Media Player Classic (MPC) it will work, I am not sure that it can save pictures from such files (it works fine for AVI & DVD).
What do you mean by "winamp video files" ?
For Realplayer, maybe that with Media Player Classic (MPC) it will work, I am not sure that it can save pictures from such files (it works fine for AVI & DVD).
What do you mean by "winamp video files" ?
Saving pictures from video files
Published 26/03/2006 @ 16:07:19, By Raul1983
Thanks for the tips !
By video files I mean free downloadable movies. I know a couple of websites which offer free classic movies. It just gave me an idea
By video files I mean free downloadable movies. I know a couple of websites which offer free classic movies. It just gave me an idea

Saving pictures from video files
Published 26/03/2006 @ 16:43:56, By antp
If they open in Winamp or Windows Media Player, another solution is to open a dummy video first, keep this one paused (i.e. not stoppped and keep the window on the screen, not reduced), then you will be able to use Printscreen key to grab picture from the second video (the good one), that you open in a second window of Winamp / Windows Media Player. I do not think that Winamp lets you open two times itself, so you may have use Windows Media Player for the first dummy video.
Latest Edition: 26/03/2006 @ 16:45:01
Latest Edition: 26/03/2006 @ 16:45:01
Saving pictures from video files
Published 27/03/2006 @ 22:59:19, By Raul1983
Unfortunately they don't open in Windows Media Player.
Still investigating this thing...
Still investigating this thing...
Saving pictures from video files
Published 27/03/2006 @ 23:14:05, By antp
I mean that you can open first a dummy video (any "avi" file that you have) in WMP, then while that window is paused and still visible open the good video in Wimamp or something else. That will allow you to use the Printscreen key if it was not working before (i.e. if you had a black area instead of the video).
Latest Edition: 27/03/2006 @ 23:14:37
Latest Edition: 27/03/2006 @ 23:14:37
Saving pictures from video files
Published 28/03/2006 @ 00:34:46, By Raul1983
Now I managed to do something. Let's see how it works...
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 00:39:34
File: file_1401_ok.jpg
( 13.3 KB - 754 )
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 00:39:34
Saving pictures from video files
Published 28/03/2006 @ 00:42:19, By Raul1983
Hmmm, the picture is quite small and fuzzy. I didn't wan't to enlarge it anymore otherwise it's impossible to recognize anything at all.
btw.looks like it's Austin taxi on the left
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 00:45:18
btw.looks like it's Austin taxi on the left
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 00:45:18
Saving pictures from video files
Published 28/03/2006 @ 10:20:22, By antp
For best results if you use Printscreen key, you have to set zoom to 100% in the video player.
By the way, you can also try VideoLan (VLC), it can read lots of things and if I remember well the latest version has a picture saving function somewhere.
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 10:21:18
By the way, you can also try VideoLan (VLC), it can read lots of things and if I remember well the latest version has a picture saving function somewhere.
Latest Edition: 28/03/2006 @ 10:21:18
Saving pictures from video files
Published 27/05/2006 @ 02:00:35, By user-.html
by the way, i see there's a landrover who appears in one of the britney spears videos.
i have pictures of green day videos(i dont like britney spears by the way)whwre appears cars and i can help in the site
i have pics of the last videos and i know the name of the cars
i have pictures of green day videos(i dont like britney spears by the way)whwre appears cars and i can help in the site
i have pics of the last videos and i know the name of the cars