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Naming conventions » Global Electrie Motorcars (GEM)
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Global Electrie Motorcars (GEM)
Published 27/12/2008 @ 04:50:18, By APS221
I have a question about model names for GEM Neighborhood Vehicles (NEV).

Mfinity posted a GEM vehicle from "Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me" (1997) in the contributions section of the forum. When I posted that it looked like a GEM, he replied that it didn't look like any of their current models.

When the movie was made, GEMs were still pretty new. As far as I can tell, it does look like their current models. However, when doing some research on the vehicles, I found some model name differences.

Some websites, including this one, refer to the GEM E-825. However, GEM's website currently doesn't have any vehicle models called E-825. It appears that GEM changed the model names at some point.

Old Name: GEM E-825; New Name: GEM e2; Description: two seats.
Old Name: GEM E-825/4; New Name: GEM e4; Description: four seats.
Old Name: GEM E-825 Small Utility; New Name: GEM eS; Description: two seats short/small pickup bed.
Old Name: GEM E-825 Large Utility; New Name: GEM eL; Description: two seats long/large pickup bed.

I have also seen some websites that don't use a hyphen and write the model name as GEM E825.

Can anyone offer some guidance on how the names should be handled? Perhaps we should e-mail GEM and ask about the model names.

Latest Edition: 27/12/2008 @ 04:56:22
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