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Guess who´s back...
Published 21/02/2009 @ 21:08:43, By Germaneon
...back from the States
Me and my family were on vacation. We rented a Dodge Magnum and took her from Sin City... 2009/Dodge_Magnum126.jpg the icy mountains... 2009/Hotroad_09060.jpg Bagdad... 2009/Hotroad_09214.jpg the desert... 2009/Hotroad_09285.jpg the Big City.. 2009/Hotroad_09476.jpg the Pacific Coast... 2009/Hotroad_09608.jpg
The Magnum is a great car. Nicely styled, calm, fuel efficient (we had the 2.7-V6) and ample space. A shame Chrysler killed her! :halalala:

For those who understand German, here is a travel report: If you don´t speak German you can at least enjoy the pics. :grin:
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Guess who´s back...
Published 21/02/2009 @ 21:28:25, By taxiguy
But didn't you have a problem seeing out of it with those horrible tiny windows?
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Guess who´s back...
Published 21/02/2009 @ 22:06:38, By ford_guy
Nice, you got a 2008 model.

Great pictures! :smile: What was your favorite part of the trip?
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Guess who´s back...
Published 21/02/2009 @ 23:38:41, By Neptune
You must love vacations as much as I do ... :grin:
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Guess who´s back...
Published 22/02/2009 @ 00:46:34, By antp
Great pictures indeed :smile:
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Guess who´s back...
Published 22/02/2009 @ 13:28:55, By Germaneon
But didn't you have a problem seeing out of it with those horrible tiny windows?

Yes, the rearwindow is very small. You have to use the side mirrors to see the entire scenery behind you car.
Nice, you got a 2008 model.

Great pictures! :smile: What was your favorite part of the trip?

Difficult to say. It was our 4th time in Vegas but it´s still an exciting place. But I also like the driving on the lonely streets across the country. It was the 1st time I saw those giant Saguaros, very impressive. Palm Spings (CA) and the Joshua Tree NP were not so exciting. I´m proud I did the L.A. freeways even during rush hour with no accident and no wrong turn. :ddr555: Universal Studios was our 2nd time after 2004 but also worth again. The new Simpsons-Ride is awesome! And not to forget the sunset at Santa Monica Beach.
You must love vacations as much as I do ... :grin:

Yes, I do! Actually we drove 1,771 miles (2.851 km).
Great pictures indeed :smile:

Thank you!

Latest Edition: 02/03/2009 @ 19:24:48
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