Misc » Wikipedia users?
Wikipedia users?
Published 08/03/2009 @ 06:22:25, By Neptune
Ok, so I was bored the other day, and made a account for Wikipedia. I figured I would add some info on the Expedition SUV page as its lacking in a few areas. I added some other minor info and then a full article.
My first written Wikipedia article seen here, not much but its a start:
My question is how do you upload photos to Wikipedia? I’m a virgin when it comes to Wikipedia, so I figured I would learn. There seems to be a rule for new users that can’t upload files? But I would like any tips or help from veterans of Wikipedia if there are any here (and I’m sure there has to be)
And while I’m here just out of curiosity, who here has a Wiki account?
Latest Edition: 08/03/2009 @ 06:23:40
My first written Wikipedia article seen here, not much but its a start:

My question is how do you upload photos to Wikipedia? I’m a virgin when it comes to Wikipedia, so I figured I would learn. There seems to be a rule for new users that can’t upload files? But I would like any tips or help from veterans of Wikipedia if there are any here (and I’m sure there has to be)
And while I’m here just out of curiosity, who here has a Wiki account?
Latest Edition: 08/03/2009 @ 06:23:40
Wikipedia users?
Published 08/03/2009 @ 09:22:08, By fck
You have to register there: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page and add your photos.
Feel free to ask with any problem
Latest Edition: 08/03/2009 @ 09:24:11
Feel free to ask with any problem

Latest Edition: 08/03/2009 @ 09:24:11
Wikipedia users?
Published 08/03/2009 @ 17:20:53, By Neptune
How do you find the appropriate licenses for photos? The ones I wanted to share, are not my own work, I didn’t take the photos. I’m having trouble finding the proper information I need.
Wikipedia users?
Published 08/03/2009 @ 17:37:09, By IRT_BMT_IND
If the photo is just one you took off a website, it will almost certainly be deleted. The only copyrighted pictures that you can upload are ones that are in the public domain (no copyright), or ones that fall under the "Fair Use" guidelines in US Copyright law. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Non-free_content#Images
Wikipedia users?
Published 19/04/2009 @ 07:11:12, By MBSL65fan
Someday I want to upload pictures of my Acura onto Wikipedia. I'll do that eventually.