Cars & Movies » Can someone help me find this movie?
Can someone help me find this movie?
Published 06/04/2009 @ 00:28:01, By {70_JUDGE}
I have been looking for a movie I have seen around 1980-early 1990's. This movie started out with a guy drag racing a 1969 body style mustang against a 1970 Chevelle. The Chevelle ends up crashing into a bulldozer and the mustang catches on fire, causing the guy to hurt his eye site. He goes on to meet an Indian in the desert, who takes him to dig up a black 1957 Chevy that has been buried in a football field.
That is pretty much all that i can remember from the film. I have been looking for quite some time and asking everyone that i know if they have seen it.
Has anyone else seen this and know what the title is?
Your help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
This is a great site! lots of cool muscle car movies.
I have been looking for a movie I have seen around 1980-early 1990's. This movie started out with a guy drag racing a 1969 body style mustang against a 1970 Chevelle. The Chevelle ends up crashing into a bulldozer and the mustang catches on fire, causing the guy to hurt his eye site. He goes on to meet an Indian in the desert, who takes him to dig up a black 1957 Chevy that has been buried in a football field.
That is pretty much all that i can remember from the film. I have been looking for quite some time and asking everyone that i know if they have seen it.

Your help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!
This is a great site! lots of cool muscle car movies.
Can someone help me find this movie?
Published 06/04/2009 @ 00:38:09, By atom
After som searching I found a movie that contain one 1957 Chevy and also a Mustang and a Chevelle that looks to be racing. So I guess it must be the 1989 movie "Catch Me If You Can":
Latest Edition: 06/04/2009 @ 00:39:43
Latest Edition: 06/04/2009 @ 00:39:43