Misc » X-Ray
Published 13/04/2009 @ 12:12:37, By Germaneon
Published 13/04/2009 @ 22:41:35, By CarChasesFanatic
Cool, I've never done it but i guess i can kind of iamgine how to do it, i guess you just take the exact same shot of the car with the door open and another one with the door closed and then on a programme like photoshop you superimpose the one of the closed door and make the door trasparent, letting you see the interior of the car, no?
Published 14/04/2009 @ 18:36:19, By antp
That's how I imagine it too
I should try that someday
Latest Edition: 14/04/2009 @ 18:36:53

I should try that someday

Latest Edition: 14/04/2009 @ 18:36:53
Published 14/04/2009 @ 19:18:56, By Germaneon
It´s the same technology as the naked scanner used by US-authorities at different airports. You can download the software on www.bigbrother.com
No, just kidding! CarChasesFanatic was right. I used a tripod to get identical pics with door/hood open/closed. The programm I used to blend is called "Photo Filtre". It´s freeware and pretty good.
Latest Edition: 14/04/2009 @ 19:19:52
No, just kidding! CarChasesFanatic was right. I used a tripod to get identical pics with door/hood open/closed. The programm I used to blend is called "Photo Filtre". It´s freeware and pretty good.
Latest Edition: 14/04/2009 @ 19:19:52
Published 15/04/2009 @ 06:40:49, By qwerty_86
That's pretty fun! I should try that when the weather gets better.