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[Done] Duel,1971
Published 23/12/2009 @ 23:35:01, By BM
here are a couple of picture's to add to Duel,1971

first off is a blue & White cabover everybody keeps on mentioning, the truck is a Peterbilt 352, I am not sure if it's Pacemaker,anyway it has the "70 "Uni-built" which would make this truck a 1970 Peterbilt 352 or 1970 Peterbilt 352 Pacemaker, this truck only needs one star
File: Duel Pic's 008.jpg ( 41.5 KB - 2358 )

Latest Edition: 28/12/2009 @ 18:35:57
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Published 23/12/2009 @ 23:40:19, By BM
here are a couple of picture's to add to Duel,1971

first off is a blue & White cabover everybody keeps on mentioning, the truck is a Peterbilt 352, I am not sure if it's Pacemaker,anyway it has the "70 "Uni-built" which would make this truck a 1970 Peterbilt 352 or 1970 Peterbilt 352 Pacemaker, this truck only needs one star

this truck is an International Harvester Fleetstar it needs one star "I know it's back round round transport, But I just had to add due to the fact it's a Truck"
File: Duel Pic's 007.jpg ( 49.3 KB - 2128 )
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Published 28/12/2009 @ 18:34:22, By vilero
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[Done] Duel,1971
Published 07/01/2010 @ 18:37:41, By Ddey65
The International Harvester here is a Loadstar, not a Fleetstar.
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