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[N/A] Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:18:19, By BM
Duel 2, was made in 1999, this is the same movie as the spoof re-make on youtube, but is now on DVD and counted as a Duel 2, since I have the dvd I will post the Picture's of some of the viechles from the movie it's a movie made for TV and has already appeared on TV a couple of times

The truck was a truck from the fleet of Swift, it was a 1999 Freightliner FLD-12064T, how do I know the truck is a '99 there's an interview in bonus feature's of some of the transportation in the movie, all the info on this movie is in the title in what to call it, this truck needs 5 stars, in some scene's this truck has different C.B Radio antenna's but they only used on truck trough out the whole movie it was unit number #2095
File: Duel Pic's 002.jpg ( 66.6 KB - 4126 )

Latest Edition: 23/02/2010 @ 10:16:49
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:19:30, By BM
Duel 2, was made in 1999, this is the same movie as the spoof re-make on youtube, but is now on DVD and counted as a Duel 2, since I have the dvd I will post the Picture's of some of the viechles from the movie it's a movie made for TV and has already appeared on TV a couple of times

The truck was a truck from the fleet of Swift, it was a 1999 Freightliner FLD-12064T, how do I know the truck is a '99 there's an interview in bonus feature's of some of the transportation in the movie, all the info on this movie is in the title in what to call it, this truck needs 5 stars

this is car also need's 5 stars it's a 1988 Honda????????????????
File: Duel Pic's 001.jpg ( 78.9 KB - 3748 )
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:21:58, By BM

this is car also need's 5 stars it's a 1988 Honda????????????????

this car is a 1986 Toyota???????????????????? it needs 3 stars
File: Duel Pic's 005.jpg ( 67.1 KB - 3592 )
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:23:51, By BM

this car is a 1986 Toyota???????????????????? it needs 3 stars

the next car is a 1998 Dodge Neon, it needs 2 stars
File: Duel Pic's 003.jpg ( 67.7 KB - 3791 )
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:25:21, By BM

the next car is a 1998 Dodge Neon, it needs 2 stars

Ford F-150, it's a backround pick-up it only needs one star
File: Duel Pic's 004.jpg ( 68.5 KB - 3634 )

Latest Edition: 24/12/2009 @ 00:26:17
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 24/12/2009 @ 00:29:32, By BM

Ford F-150, it's a backround pick-up it only needs one star

this is a Dodge Ram 50 it's another back round pick-up, so it only needs one star, this was the pick up that helped pull out the truck after it got stuck, but it was only seen the bonus feature scenes
File: Duel Pic's 006.jpg ( 65.3 KB - 3651 )
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Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 21/02/2010 @ 09:47:14, By Kooshmeister
These are all far too big. No matter how many times I resize them it keeps telling me the filesize is too large. :eek:
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[N/A] Duel 2, 1999, Movie made for TV
Published 23/02/2010 @ 10:17:32, By vilero
I'm sorry, very low quality
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