Old contributions (archive) » [Done] Misc. Music videos
[Done] Misc. Music videos
Published 09/01/2010 @ 05:22:34, By boogieman
I wasn't sure if these were worth posting, So I am putting them here. If someone feels they qualify enough to be posted, They can do it (Or give the word, And I can do it.), Otherwise.. Just delete this if they're not worth posting.
Angelspit- "Vena Cava"
Jaguar XJ (2 stars):
De/Vision- "Love will find a way"
Unknown (1 star):
(This video has quite a few cars, But thats the only one that you can get a clear shot of.)
Latest Edition: 11/01/2010 @ 11:50:38
Angelspit- "Vena Cava"
Jaguar XJ (2 stars):

De/Vision- "Love will find a way"
Unknown (1 star):

(This video has quite a few cars, But thats the only one that you can get a clear shot of.)
Latest Edition: 11/01/2010 @ 11:50:38
Misc. Music videos
Published 09/01/2010 @ 08:32:05, By ford_guy
Quality seems to be good, although I question whether it's worth it to add a Music Video page that only has one or a few background vehicles, unless they're very interesting.
Misc. Music videos
Published 09/01/2010 @ 13:57:10, By Lateef
The unknown one is a Fiat Coupé, which there are only 16 of already on the site, so I'd say that one is pretty much worth listing.
Misc. Music videos
Published 09/01/2010 @ 22:30:16, By antp
I agree.
And the Jaguar being non-background, it should be mentioned too.
And the Jaguar being non-background, it should be mentioned too.
Misc. Music videos
Published 10/01/2010 @ 06:46:59, By boogieman
Ok, Both are posted and awaiting approval.