General » imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/08/2010 @ 12:31:40, By Zodiak
I don't know if this has been proposed before. I find it is very useful to have a button with a direct link to imdb, as we do have on imcdb. I would also appreciate to have such a quick link on imdb, so that you can check the cars of the movie right away. Maybe you could cooperate with the moviedatabase to have such an option on their site?
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/08/2010 @ 13:00:47, By antp
Seeing how big (and commercial) is IMDB there is no much luck that they would do that

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 10/08/2010 @ 08:12:05, By RockRacer
Would be awesome though for sure! Course if IMDb allowed things like that, the flood gates would be opened and lots of people and sites would want in.

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 20/08/2010 @ 18:42:49, By chicomarx
Well I asked imdb staff. Let's see what happens.
I also suggested this a while ago but waited because "too many connections on line 14" would've been all they got.
I also suggested this a while ago but waited because "too many connections on line 14" would've been all they got.

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 25/08/2010 @ 02:42:24, By chicomarx
Success! They will be accepted as miscellaneous links.
I need antp's help for this one.
***** The vehicle is part of the movie 503
**** Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time 7704
*** Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase 42668
Roughly 8000 links in the first two categories, but many are in the same movie. "Car chases" is impossible to separate from a character's car, otherwise it would be an enormous amount of links, all the movies in imcdb except those with only * and ** star vehicles.
Latest Edition: 25/08/2010 @ 02:56:30
The two IMCDb's categories that might be interesting are "The vehicle is part of the movie" and "Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time". "Car chases" are also interesting. But I'd avoid "Minor action vehicle or used in only a short scene" and "Background vehicle".
Yes, they can be bulk submitted -- there's currently one site using that mechanism. For various arcane technical reasons, when you get to the "choice of format" question, the only one that would be accepted for a miscellaneous link is "XML2".
IMDb - head of data acquisition
IMDb - head of data acquisition
I need antp's help for this one.
***** The vehicle is part of the movie 503
**** Vehicle used a lot by a main character or for a long time 7704
*** Vehicle used by a character or in a car chase 42668
Roughly 8000 links in the first two categories, but many are in the same movie. "Car chases" is impossible to separate from a character's car, otherwise it would be an enormous amount of links, all the movies in imcdb except those with only * and ** star vehicles.
Latest Edition: 25/08/2010 @ 02:56:30
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 25/08/2010 @ 10:58:02, By RockRacer
Nice job chicomarx! It will be sweet to see IMCDb links up there! Although I am not seeing where the "misc links" are located. I see "Related Links" and "Sponsored Links".
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 25/08/2010 @ 12:30:53, By antp
I need antp's help for this one.
I need your help

I thought that they would link to IMCDb movie page from their misc page, e.g.:
but there the car role is not relevant since what they need is a link like
(same ID as theirs)
To know if a movie is listed or not on IMCDb:
(returns 0 if not, 1 if it is)
Movies can be added one by one, but as they mention bulk-submit it would be much easier.
If I understand this page:
I just have to make a special page on IMCDb which will provide a XML containing all movies listed.
I am just not sure what I am supposed to put as "reviewer"... the contributor would be fine I guess

So when I make that list on IMCDb, we (e.g. you) just submit them the URL, which will be something like
Latest Edition: 25/08/2010 @ 12:38:03
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 25/08/2010 @ 16:27:28, By chicomarx
Yes, the bulk submit is normally for reviews but it can also be used for miscellaneous links. I think you can skip the reviewer, it would appear in [ ] but a lot of links don't have that. " - Cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles" or something like that seems enough... For a movie like Christine it would mean adding a row of nicknames [mozinor, DAF555, carfan, Explorer4X4, Leoz] which doesn't look good. Maybe in stead the multiple languages at the end? (English, French, German)
Latest Edition: 25/08/2010 @ 16:27:41
Latest Edition: 25/08/2010 @ 16:27:41
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 25/08/2010 @ 16:42:55, By chicomarx
@RockRacer: It's under External Links in the side bar.
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 26/08/2010 @ 02:33:11, By RockRacer
@RockRacer: It's under External Links in the side bar.
Oh geez! I haven't even noticed the sidebar, even as often as I am on their site. How terrible is that. I hope that doesn't happen on my site!

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 30/08/2010 @ 21:29:21, By chicomarx
So is it technically possible, Antoine? I suppose regular updates will also have to be submitted of new movies in the database - which I can do.
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 30/08/2010 @ 22:34:26, By antp
Update will be done automatically, I just have to create a special movie list in xml form that IMCDb will check once a week.
I'll do that... when I have few time
I'll do that... when I have few time

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 05/09/2010 @ 16:15:18, By antp
I made the xml document:
I hope it is correct (I had to add a root document tag to get a valid xml, I named it "<items>").
As you contact them previously, can you give them the url? I guess it is easier if you continue yourself the discussion with them.
Latest Edition: 05/09/2010 @ 16:17:40
I hope it is correct (I had to add a root document tag to get a valid xml, I named it "<items>").
As you contact them previously, can you give them the url? I guess it is easier if you continue yourself the discussion with them.
Latest Edition: 05/09/2010 @ 16:17:40
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 05/09/2010 @ 22:14:34, By chicomarx
Ok, I'll contact them. Is the page XML2 rather than XML because he insisted on that. And do we agree on how exactly the link should appear?
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/09/2010 @ 00:05:30, By antp
The page is a XML document, following the schema named "XML2" on their site.
What do you mean by "how the link should appear"? It will be listed amongst all the other links I guess?
What do you mean by "how the link should appear"? It will be listed amongst all the other links I guess?
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/09/2010 @ 00:35:23, By chicomarx
The name of each link I mean, since you put 'IMCDb' as reviewer. It has to be clear that it's a car database, just IMCDb nobody will click on. It's already a bit buried under 'miscellaneous'.
So maybe in full "Internet Movie Car Database" or " cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles"; something concise about what they can find here.
Wikipedia uses this: " DeSoto in movies and TV series".
So maybe in full "Internet Movie Car Database" or " cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles"; something concise about what they can find here.
Wikipedia uses this: " DeSoto in movies and TV series".
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/09/2010 @ 12:05:45, By antp
I've put " cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles seen in this production"
They also said we had to chose a day:
"The best day to harvest it (currently, reviews are harvested on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, around 3 AM Pacific time - choose one)"
I'd say that the best would be Friday, I think there are less visitors at that moment
Latest Edition: 06/09/2010 @ 12:12:41
I've put " cars, bikes, trucks and other vehicles seen in this production"
They also said we had to chose a day:
"The best day to harvest it (currently, reviews are harvested on Mondays, Thursdays, and Fridays, around 3 AM Pacific time - choose one)"
I'd say that the best would be Friday, I think there are less visitors at that moment
Latest Edition: 06/09/2010 @ 12:12:41
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 06/09/2010 @ 22:17:29, By chicomarx
Ok, I'll write them and let you know.
At the helpdesk: "Current load: 729 open requests. Please, take a number..."
At the helpdesk: "Current load: 729 open requests. Please, take a number..."

imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 03/11/2010 @ 10:05:55, By antp
No progress on this subject?
imcdb - imdb - vice versa?
Published 03/11/2010 @ 15:11:04, By chicomarx
Just a message from Nadia:
That was Sept. 27 and nothing since. I was planning to contact them again, maybe better "jreeves" directly.
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Thank you for your patience with our delayed response. We apologize for the length of time it's taken to get back in touch with you.
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That was Sept. 27 and nothing since. I was planning to contact them again, maybe better "jreeves" directly.