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Naming conventions » Early Pegaso Z-Series
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Early Pegaso Z-Series
Published 15/03/2011 @ 11:16:01, By vilero
Pegaso was the trademark of ENASA from 1946 and was settled in the old Hipano-Suiza factory at Barcelona. First Pegaso's trucks were based on the Hispano-Suiza 66-G

First Pegasos (nicknamed 'Mofletes' >> Chubby Cheeks) See why weren't badged with a specific model name. Despite they were named Pegaso I, Pegaso II, Pegaso Diesel (see Diesel script on last link) but, all of these, to be accurate were Z-202 and Z-203.
The problem: Pegaso was beginning as brand and nobody knew if it would be successful or not. So it's a mess the order of its 1st.vehicles. For instance, it seems Z-203 (gasoline 1947-1949) was first and Z-202 came later (Diesel 1949-1958).
Even in Pegasos's forum there are discussions about it.

I have listed either Z-202 or Z-203 based in the last order and the year production of the movie but maybe I was wrong doing that. To be more accurate from now on, I have thought to change the Z-202 and Z-203 models to a merged Z-202/203 Series, as we have, for instance, with the Chevrolet C/K-Series (two/four wheel drive).

Listing them as Z-202/203 Series we hit the nail on the head, for sure.

I see I'm actually the only user who works old spanish movies (carchasesfanatic, where are you?) but if, by chance, you work an old movie and you see a 'Mofletes' on it, remember 1947-1958 Pegaso Z-202/203 Series as an accurate way to be safe about its ID.

Thank youuuuuu boys.

EDITED: I've just noticed the this thread is for "Conventions used for labelling some makes/models and discussions about major changes"

Maybe this post would go to 'General'? antp?

Latest Edition: 15/03/2011 @ 12:18:00
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Early Pegaso Z-Series
Published 15/03/2011 @ 16:14:29, By antp
Maybe in "useful info for identification"?
Anyway these categories are not well used for what they were made at first. There is a little of everything everywhere on the forum :grin:
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Early Pegaso Z-Series
Published 16/03/2011 @ 10:44:22, By vilero
Thanks antoine.
I can't move the thread. Move it to the section you think.
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