Misc » Help from our British members would make me very happy
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 01:09:27, By ingo
It seems, that the time has come to say goodbye to my Bundeswehr-Omega
Last week it made the 300.000 km, but today, on an Autobahn-trip -ironicially to its birthplace Rüsselsheim- some unpleasant noise comes out of the engine-space. A high buzzing/whistling, sometimes louder, sometimes quiter, but always going up by pressing the gas-pedal. As it seems, it's the turbo-charger. A friend will check, if it's maybe a bagatelle, a loose clip or so, but this is just a weak hope.
Right now it's still running and has no noticeable loss of power, so I drove over 350 km with this defect, but it's conceivable, that rather sooner than later it will be "game over"
So I have to look around for a new all-day car. As since 2 years I have the luck and can work 4 days per week from home and don't have to go everyday 65 km one way to office, the fuel-consumption is not the absolute most important point any more. For my amount of driving now the K 70 could be adequate, but it's too good for bad and winter weather. And there is the problem for me, that I won't let stand the K 70 outside, but at our house we only have one garage, which is occupied by my wife (yes, I'm such a appreciative husband-softie, that I don't throw her car out, because of the macho-behaviour, that the man's needs are going first
) So the K 70 is parked in a farmer's barn in the next village. To find a garage nearby is hopeless.
As my NATO-olive Omega has caused many funny irritations, I prefer to get again something more "freaky" and non-conformistic. Unfortunately my wife is strictly against a Hearse (sure, not logical thinking, but what shall I say
), also an old Ambulance is not her favourite. Mine neither, as they are no real 4-seaters and Ambulances are not treatened carefully.
To coming now to the intention of the thread's title: a RHD car would be quite freaky here - plus the fact, that in Britain generally the car-prices are much lower than here.
So my ideas are going in the direct of a Vauxhall, as it's an unique GB-brand. Sure, it's just the badge, but a RHD-Skoda or -Passat is not unique in the same way.
-I prefer a Diesel-powered car. Am I right, that in GB they aren't more expensive than fuel-cars, as in Germany? Here for many years Diesel was lower taxed, because it was preferred (which has changed several times anyways)
- an Estate would be better than a Sedan
- it shall be reliable and in good condition, but not too expensive
- freaky and a bit rare, but not really valuable, because it will not have a garage
- first hand grandfather-cars are nearly alwys good - otherwise a former company-car with still the logos on, would be really stylish, because unique here.
My first direct questions are:
- are there UK-pages like www.mobile.de
- has anyone an idea, how it's with the British registration for the transfer? The best way for me would be, if the registration is still valid for the trip, because I won't drive without an insurance. With mys K 70 it was possible. We wrote in the conctract, that I'm allowed to drive with the former owner's registration, the plates and the insurance the way back home.
Or do I need export-plates? In Germany I only can get export-plates, which are useless for an import. And the 5-day-plate are only valid inside Germany.
I would be glad for any tips and advices
It seems, that the time has come to say goodbye to my Bundeswehr-Omega

Last week it made the 300.000 km, but today, on an Autobahn-trip -ironicially to its birthplace Rüsselsheim- some unpleasant noise comes out of the engine-space. A high buzzing/whistling, sometimes louder, sometimes quiter, but always going up by pressing the gas-pedal. As it seems, it's the turbo-charger. A friend will check, if it's maybe a bagatelle, a loose clip or so, but this is just a weak hope.
Right now it's still running and has no noticeable loss of power, so I drove over 350 km with this defect, but it's conceivable, that rather sooner than later it will be "game over"

So I have to look around for a new all-day car. As since 2 years I have the luck and can work 4 days per week from home and don't have to go everyday 65 km one way to office, the fuel-consumption is not the absolute most important point any more. For my amount of driving now the K 70 could be adequate, but it's too good for bad and winter weather. And there is the problem for me, that I won't let stand the K 70 outside, but at our house we only have one garage, which is occupied by my wife (yes, I'm such a appreciative husband-softie, that I don't throw her car out, because of the macho-behaviour, that the man's needs are going first

As my NATO-olive Omega has caused many funny irritations, I prefer to get again something more "freaky" and non-conformistic. Unfortunately my wife is strictly against a Hearse (sure, not logical thinking, but what shall I say

To coming now to the intention of the thread's title: a RHD car would be quite freaky here - plus the fact, that in Britain generally the car-prices are much lower than here.
So my ideas are going in the direct of a Vauxhall, as it's an unique GB-brand. Sure, it's just the badge, but a RHD-Skoda or -Passat is not unique in the same way.
-I prefer a Diesel-powered car. Am I right, that in GB they aren't more expensive than fuel-cars, as in Germany? Here for many years Diesel was lower taxed, because it was preferred (which has changed several times anyways)
- an Estate would be better than a Sedan
- it shall be reliable and in good condition, but not too expensive
- freaky and a bit rare, but not really valuable, because it will not have a garage
- first hand grandfather-cars are nearly alwys good - otherwise a former company-car with still the logos on, would be really stylish, because unique here.
My first direct questions are:
- are there UK-pages like www.mobile.de
- has anyone an idea, how it's with the British registration for the transfer? The best way for me would be, if the registration is still valid for the trip, because I won't drive without an insurance. With mys K 70 it was possible. We wrote in the conctract, that I'm allowed to drive with the former owner's registration, the plates and the insurance the way back home.
Or do I need export-plates? In Germany I only can get export-plates, which are useless for an import. And the 5-day-plate are only valid inside Germany.
I would be glad for any tips and advices

Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 13:44:44, By Sandie
Ex-Police car? Lots of cheap ex-police Vectra Estates going around at the moment some with the 3litre diesel.
Diesel cars are more expensive in the UK.
Not too sure about the Export issue. I think you might need to tell the DVLA that you plan to export the car but other than that I think you won't need to do much.
Sites: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/
Diesel cars are more expensive in the UK.
Not too sure about the Export issue. I think you might need to tell the DVLA that you plan to export the car but other than that I think you won't need to do much.
Sites: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 13:56:45, By antp
Ex-Police car?
I suppose that as long as you remove the lightbar from the roof it is legal to use it with the original police colors and lines on it in another country?

In Belgium I think it would be allowed. Some time ago it was forbidden to have a blue line like what police had at that time, but other countries' police-style color schemes where not forbidden as long as I konw.
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 13:58:06
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 15:03:19, By Sandie
They usually have their police bits removed before sale (cf Here ). Even then a bright white RHD Vauxhall would stick out a bit.
Another idea would be a black cab. Though they are pretty slow they are very reliable. Maybe an MG/Rover is another idea though I don't know how common they are in Germany. The 75/ZT is much more reliable than Rover's reputation would suggest, they are cheap in the UK and the diesel engine is from BMW.
Another idea would be a black cab. Though they are pretty slow they are very reliable. Maybe an MG/Rover is another idea though I don't know how common they are in Germany. The 75/ZT is much more reliable than Rover's reputation would suggest, they are cheap in the UK and the diesel engine is from BMW.
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 15:24:39, By Gag Halfrunt
How about a Subaru Traviq? It's a Japan-only rebadged version of the Opel Zafira, so it's freaky and obscure but you shouldn't have any problems getting spare parts.

Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 15:45:43, By antp
Or one of the Holden Opel-based models?
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 17:42:04, By ingo
@Sandie: an ex-Police-car would be freaky, but when all signs and stripes are removed (it usual here, too, when police-cars were sold), it's not something special any more
In the past, when the cars were painted and not taped, it was more interesting.
Black Cabs are for sure typical British (some are running here, one or two even in official taxi-use), but the newer ones aren't looking really nice.
Here were some Rovers sold, it's also known, that they have BMW Diesel-engines, but I cannot overcome for them. Rover's reputation was really bad in Germany. Always one of the worst, together with Daewoo and Chrysler. Even Lada was better reputated.
@Gag: nice idea, but shipping from Japan is too elaborate. It's just about an all-day-car, not to forget.
@Antoine: yes, I had this idea, too, as I've faible for Holden. Mainly caused by this spot, which I really love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WilHxTSKP34
This one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjgSesvHoKc
As you mabe know, my watch has a Holden-logo
My parents-in-law have bought it for my on their cruise around Down Under, because couldn't find that:
Sadly this is the only actual Holden-ad: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201110381882950/sort/priceasc/used- cars/make/holden/radius/1501/postcode/ct161dl/page/1/quicksearch/true?logcode=p
Sadly, because 8000 Pounds are too much. 5000 to 6000 Pounds is my maximum -not to forget: it's for an all-day car, not a collectible- The car itself looks boring (the Omega B is more unique), but the technical datas re really attractive.
Not for my wife. She became angry, when I've shown her the advert. She thinks about a 2006+ Vectra, maybe a Zafira of a Signum. She says, that I should spend more money, because the price-difference is really huge, compared to Germany, up to 40%.
Otherwise I know, that I have to count the fact, that I'll have to drive this car until its end. Though is much cheaper to get in the UK, a selling price here will be really low for a RHD-car. But this is nothing new for me, with the Omega it was the same. I'd kown before, that a NATO-olive car is not good to sell, when I want to get rid of it in well used condition with some defects (as it's the fact now). But I've done so always with my all-day cars. All of them were planned to be driven until the end. Any avails by selling it in exhausted condition (so it was always) I've booked as a 100% profit.
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 17:58:08

Black Cabs are for sure typical British (some are running here, one or two even in official taxi-use), but the newer ones aren't looking really nice.
Here were some Rovers sold, it's also known, that they have BMW Diesel-engines, but I cannot overcome for them. Rover's reputation was really bad in Germany. Always one of the worst, together with Daewoo and Chrysler. Even Lada was better reputated.
@Gag: nice idea, but shipping from Japan is too elaborate. It's just about an all-day-car, not to forget.
@Antoine: yes, I had this idea, too, as I've faible for Holden. Mainly caused by this spot, which I really love: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WilHxTSKP34
This one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjgSesvHoKc
As you mabe know, my watch has a Holden-logo

Sadly this is the only actual Holden-ad: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201110381882950/sort/priceasc/used- cars/make/holden/radius/1501/postcode/ct161dl/page/1/quicksearch/true?logcode=p
Sadly, because 8000 Pounds are too much. 5000 to 6000 Pounds is my maximum -not to forget: it's for an all-day car, not a collectible- The car itself looks boring (the Omega B is more unique), but the technical datas re really attractive.
Not for my wife. She became angry, when I've shown her the advert. She thinks about a 2006+ Vectra, maybe a Zafira of a Signum. She says, that I should spend more money, because the price-difference is really huge, compared to Germany, up to 40%.
Otherwise I know, that I have to count the fact, that I'll have to drive this car until its end. Though is much cheaper to get in the UK, a selling price here will be really low for a RHD-car. But this is nothing new for me, with the Omega it was the same. I'd kown before, that a NATO-olive car is not good to sell, when I want to get rid of it in well used condition with some defects (as it's the fact now). But I've done so always with my all-day cars. All of them were planned to be driven until the end. Any avails by selling it in exhausted condition (so it was always) I've booked as a 100% profit.
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 17:58:08
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 17:56:58, By ingo
As I'm thinking more and more, I must say, that an Australian car would be even more freaky and stylish. But the shipping and the connected work and paperwork is too much. But if there would be something else from Down Under to find in the UK, I would really think about it.
Maybe I shouldn't be too focussed on a Diesel-car, as fuel cars are cheaper in the UK, too and, as I wrote, I don't have to drive any more every day to work. It's really big money-difference. Otherwise a Diesel-car has advantages: I can buy Diesel a bit cheaper in Holland. I'm not involved in the E10-fuel-hysteria, we have right now in Germany. And finally I could change my well-beloved extra, the Diesel-running Eberspächer "Hydronic" extra heating from the Omegar into the new car.
I'm also thinking, how and where to sell/give away the Omega. Ebay or mobile.de is too profane. I will offer it in the forums of Opel- or military vehicle-fans. It's not really a classic, but something rare anyways. Let's see, I'm in no hurry with that.
My friend Carsten has suggested to offer it to the company "Action Concept", as they are always looking for unique, but cheap cars. Two years ago they even have offered an own "Abwrackprämie" for your old car. When it would be interesting enough for them, they would also have paid the 2500 €, as the government did, and you had also the possibility to decide, in which way the car shall be destroyed in the episode.
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 17:59:43
Maybe I shouldn't be too focussed on a Diesel-car, as fuel cars are cheaper in the UK, too and, as I wrote, I don't have to drive any more every day to work. It's really big money-difference. Otherwise a Diesel-car has advantages: I can buy Diesel a bit cheaper in Holland. I'm not involved in the E10-fuel-hysteria, we have right now in Germany. And finally I could change my well-beloved extra, the Diesel-running Eberspächer "Hydronic" extra heating from the Omegar into the new car.
I'm also thinking, how and where to sell/give away the Omega. Ebay or mobile.de is too profane. I will offer it in the forums of Opel- or military vehicle-fans. It's not really a classic, but something rare anyways. Let's see, I'm in no hurry with that.
My friend Carsten has suggested to offer it to the company "Action Concept", as they are always looking for unique, but cheap cars. Two years ago they even have offered an own "Abwrackprämie" for your old car. When it would be interesting enough for them, they would also have paid the 2500 €, as the government did, and you had also the possibility to decide, in which way the car shall be destroyed in the episode.
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 17:59:43
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 20/03/2011 @ 19:48:19, By antp
You do not like the style of that Holden?
I really like it
About the Subaru, aren't there some already imported in UK, since several second-hand japanese cars end up in UK ?
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 19:49:39

I really like it

About the Subaru, aren't there some already imported in UK, since several second-hand japanese cars end up in UK ?
Latest Edition: 20/03/2011 @ 19:49:39
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 21/03/2011 @ 11:58:05, By ingo
For me the Holden-version looks really not nice, with a kind of dull US-touch somehow.
Yes, I know the plenty of original Japanese cars in the UK and Ireland, but they aren't really attractive for me. All the listed Traviq's are located in Japan, so that effort would be too much.
The most other Subaru's, you can see in the UK and Ireland are (it's my impression) tuned up versions like Impreza or so. This is nothing for me. It's nice to have a powerful car, but I dislike these spotive versions with the lowering kits, harder suspensions, louder exhaust and -worst!- all this plastic junk around.
I prefer the old-daddy-sofa-style with comfort and plushy seats. I'm already 40 years old, so not a boy-racer anymore (resp.I've never been one anyways)
Yes, I know the plenty of original Japanese cars in the UK and Ireland, but they aren't really attractive for me. All the listed Traviq's are located in Japan, so that effort would be too much.
The most other Subaru's, you can see in the UK and Ireland are (it's my impression) tuned up versions like Impreza or so. This is nothing for me. It's nice to have a powerful car, but I dislike these spotive versions with the lowering kits, harder suspensions, louder exhaust and -worst!- all this plastic junk around.
I prefer the old-daddy-sofa-style with comfort and plushy seats. I'm already 40 years old, so not a boy-racer anymore (resp.I've never been one anyways)
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 21/03/2011 @ 17:12:38, By Gomsel
"freaky and a bit rare, but not really valuable, because it will not have a garage" You not interested in a C4 sedan/Pallas?
Except in Spain, Czech Republic and probably Italy, i don't know what other country sold this...
And... why not an Amarok???

Except in Spain, Czech Republic and probably Italy, i don't know what other country sold this...
And... why not an Amarok???
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 22/03/2011 @ 18:27:06, By ingo
If a Citroen, rather a C5 than a C4. Yes, all cars in this size are cheaper in the UK than here, but at the time I prefer Vauxhall, because this is even a different, here no common brand. Sure, it's everything identical with the Opel's, except grille and badges, but it's a bit more unique than a RHD Peugeot, Passat or so. Faked Vauxhalls aren't rare, too. Some boy-racers like to put the badges on their Corsa B or Vectra A.
Sorry, the Amarok is far our of question. Except the fact, that I'm not interested in any SUV (the towing capacity, I need, is possible be upper mid-size-cars anyways), for sure I would never spend that much money for an all-day-car:
http://suchen.mobile.de/fahrzeuge/search.html?scopeId=C&isSearchRequest=true&sortOption.- sortOrder=ASCENDING&sortOption.sortBy=price.consumerGrossEuro&makeModelVariant1.- makeId=25200&makeModelVariant1.modelId=5
For roundabout 20.000 € and the help of the M100-club-president (I know him a bit), it's possible to get a http://suchen.mobile.de/fahrzeuge/showDetails.html?id=141444953&__lp=7&scopeId=C- &sortOption.sortBy=price.consumerGrossEuro&sortOption.sortOrder=ASCENDING&makeModelVariant1.- makeId=17200&makeModelVariant1.modelId=136&maxFirstRegistrationDate=1975-12-31&negativeFeatures=EXPORT&lang=de&pageNumber=2
So where shall be the reason to throw away money for a useless SUV (even it's Argentinian made
) when you can get a real dream-classic?
Sorry, the Amarok is far our of question. Except the fact, that I'm not interested in any SUV (the towing capacity, I need, is possible be upper mid-size-cars anyways), for sure I would never spend that much money for an all-day-car:
http://suchen.mobile.de/fahrzeuge/search.html?scopeId=C&isSearchRequest=true&sortOption.- sortOrder=ASCENDING&sortOption.sortBy=price.consumerGrossEuro&makeModelVariant1.- makeId=25200&makeModelVariant1.modelId=5
For roundabout 20.000 € and the help of the M100-club-president (I know him a bit), it's possible to get a http://suchen.mobile.de/fahrzeuge/showDetails.html?id=141444953&__lp=7&scopeId=C- &sortOption.sortBy=price.consumerGrossEuro&sortOption.sortOrder=ASCENDING&makeModelVariant1.- makeId=17200&makeModelVariant1.modelId=136&maxFirstRegistrationDate=1975-12-31&negativeFeatures=EXPORT&lang=de&pageNumber=2
So where shall be the reason to throw away money for a useless SUV (even it's Argentinian made

Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 22/03/2011 @ 19:10:24, By ingo
This alternative would make my wife really mad: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/search/used/cars/rolls-royce/postcode/ct161dl/radius/1500/price-to/6000/sort/priceasc
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 22/03/2011 @ 22:49:51, By Gomsel
Its just a sugerence. Here, the Amarok its good for some jobs and its not useless. Well, its expensive here (i think in Europe, too) but if you not live in the city, its a good option.
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 23/03/2011 @ 15:23:40, By dsl
Some thoughts for my forum debut now I've worked out how to enter. My choice would be to look for something undervalued - either because there are too many of them around for demand or because no-one's really heard of them. I also like diesels for the easy driving and because the torque rush is so satisfying. So there are lots of: previous shape Mondeos, Vectras, Lagunas, Citroen C5s, Zafiras, Rover 75 etc as good value ideas. Haven't driven many of them, but did find early 2000s Lagunas very comfortable, ditto a 1st shape Zafira (which surprised me). I also liked Peugeot 406 - lovely diesel engine in the 110HDi and a Xsara Picasso was a lot more enjoyable than expected. But I'd be wary of high-spec Peugeot/Renault/Citroen for too many electric gimmicks for 5-6 year old car. You've dismissed Skoda, but early Superb would intrigue me; also your comment against Japanese rules out previous shape Mazda 6, which I really enjoyed in 136bhp diesel and the Honda Accord or Mitsubishi Galant, both of which are worth a shout. Obscure cars which could be interesting - but you have to find one - Vauxhall Signum, Fiat Croma, Alfa 166, Renault Vel Satis. Off-stage ideas - Subaru Legacy (but can be expensive buys - owners keep them so not many around) and 1st shape Nissan X-Trail - much easier to drive than its size suggests and very easy to get used to. Final thought - possibly because it's the opposite of what I imagine you might think of but is hugely undervalued - Cadillac BLS; not many about but the few that were sold went to fleets at big discounts. Any buttons pressed?
Latest Edition: 23/03/2011 @ 16:47:16
Latest Edition: 23/03/2011 @ 16:47:16
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 23/03/2011 @ 17:59:04, By ingo
Yes, my thoughts are going in this direction. At the time Vauxhall is the favourite, because it's a different brand (though only different badges).
My wife has suggested the Signum, too, but I'd rather prefer a Vectra Hatchback or Estate. A time ago I took a seat in a Signum and was disappointed about the little space inside. My Omega is bigger inside. And this is important for mee, too: I want to have space around my bones, not sitting in a fish-tin.
About the bigger Peugeot's I've also thought, as they are really common in the UK, more than in Germany. Renault is not included, due their unreliability. Anyways: the ADAC-breakdown-statistics has said, that, since the Scorpio has disappeared, the Omega was the most unreliable car in the premium class, especially the 1999/2000 MYS and especially the Diesel. I cannot confirm that.
Citroen hasn't a good reputation with that either. Otherwise my wife's uncle is a Citroen-driver since 30 years, at first a CX, then a XM and now a C5. Without any defects and breakdowns, he says.
Japanese cars aren't really fascinating for me, I wouldn't spend so much money for them. Your tip with the Cadillac is nice, but it's more than unlikely, that I would ever find any interest in any newer US-car. The only ones, I would maybe think about, are a 1974 Dodge Monaco in Illinois-police-trim or a 1968 Charger R/T. Everything else American is far out of question.
My wife has suggested the Signum, too, but I'd rather prefer a Vectra Hatchback or Estate. A time ago I took a seat in a Signum and was disappointed about the little space inside. My Omega is bigger inside. And this is important for mee, too: I want to have space around my bones, not sitting in a fish-tin.
About the bigger Peugeot's I've also thought, as they are really common in the UK, more than in Germany. Renault is not included, due their unreliability. Anyways: the ADAC-breakdown-statistics has said, that, since the Scorpio has disappeared, the Omega was the most unreliable car in the premium class, especially the 1999/2000 MYS and especially the Diesel. I cannot confirm that.
Citroen hasn't a good reputation with that either. Otherwise my wife's uncle is a Citroen-driver since 30 years, at first a CX, then a XM and now a C5. Without any defects and breakdowns, he says.
Japanese cars aren't really fascinating for me, I wouldn't spend so much money for them. Your tip with the Cadillac is nice, but it's more than unlikely, that I would ever find any interest in any newer US-car. The only ones, I would maybe think about, are a 1974 Dodge Monaco in Illinois-police-trim or a 1968 Charger R/T. Everything else American is far out of question.
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 23/03/2011 @ 18:09:25, By Sandie
Signum and Vectra will be about the same space wise up front. The difference is in the back where the Signum is really huge. Not that common mind. The one I tried was a rental car which is where some ended up due to their unsaleability as new cars.
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 23/03/2011 @ 19:01:53, By dsl
The Cadillac BLS is a SAAB 9-3 with revised bodywork, built in Finland and only sold in Europe, not a US car. Never driven a Signum, but I liked the idea. Vectras were perfectly OK to drive but always felt odd in my encounters with hatchback and estate - long and narrow as if I was driving a tunnel so I never took to them.
Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 24/03/2011 @ 20:57:23, By ingo
So. The rumination is going on. Today I drove with my Omega 140 km without bigger problems, just a little bit the squeeking sounds again on the last 30 km. My abler friend Carsten has checked it. The turbocharger is definetely gone. The shaft is redounded and oil is everywhere in the in- and outtake hoses and pipes. But the car still roadworthy and without any noticeable loss of power.
After my wife (she works as a loss-accessor in a motor car insurance) told me, that she had sometimes customers, whose cars were burnt down due a defect turbocharger, I've put out all non-urgently need stuff of the car, as the CD's (@dsl: Andre Brasseur, Air, The Royal Highlanders, Fatboy Slim, ZZ Top and a Sampler with South African Folk Pop, mostly in Zulu).
So what to do? Tomorrow Carsten will tell me, what would be the price for changing the turbocharger with a good used part. Or, as the car is still running with the same power, shall I driving it on, just with ignoring the sounds and the oil in the turbo-system?
Or rather "increasing the blow count" (literally translated) with looking for a new car? In two weeks, some vacation-days are registrated for me. Despite the facts, that I was wrong with them -the Techno Classica Show is one week before- and I should use the days for our longer holiday-trip in September, the end on the Omega is forseeable.
And the effort for purchasing a new car is a well-needed subterfuge
Otherwise my parents-in-law are expecting, that I will come with them on vacations, as a substitute for my brother-in-law. A long weekend in a fucking uninteresting village-resort in the fucking uninteresting German East
1500 km driving for having "relaxed vacations", where my displeasure and fretfulness is already definetely expectable.
So a trip to the UK will be my best chance for avoiding all that
After my wife (she works as a loss-accessor in a motor car insurance) told me, that she had sometimes customers, whose cars were burnt down due a defect turbocharger, I've put out all non-urgently need stuff of the car, as the CD's (@dsl: Andre Brasseur, Air, The Royal Highlanders, Fatboy Slim, ZZ Top and a Sampler with South African Folk Pop, mostly in Zulu).
So what to do? Tomorrow Carsten will tell me, what would be the price for changing the turbocharger with a good used part. Or, as the car is still running with the same power, shall I driving it on, just with ignoring the sounds and the oil in the turbo-system?
Or rather "increasing the blow count" (literally translated) with looking for a new car? In two weeks, some vacation-days are registrated for me. Despite the facts, that I was wrong with them -the Techno Classica Show is one week before- and I should use the days for our longer holiday-trip in September, the end on the Omega is forseeable.
And the effort for purchasing a new car is a well-needed subterfuge

So a trip to the UK will be my best chance for avoiding all that

Help from our British members would make me very happy
Published 31/03/2011 @ 21:07:40, By atom
Strange, obscure and cheap to buy = Volvo 480