General » Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 10/05/2006 @ 20:04:53, By antp
We already have one of the special shows listed:
But as Coopey asked me, I ask the question to other admins & members: should we include all the "Top Gear" shows on the site?
But as Coopey asked me, I ask the question to other admins & members: should we include all the "Top Gear" shows on the site?
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 17/05/2006 @ 11:17:48, By antp
Who voted "other" without adding a comment as specified"?

Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 17/05/2006 @ 11:27:05, By keef
I can't see any comments here

Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 17/05/2006 @ 17:37:06, By J2
Yes please, Top Gear got a bestiality of cars never seen before here!!
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 17/05/2006 @ 17:50:37, By antp
The problem is that there are so many cars in Top Gear...
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 17/05/2006 @ 18:22:14, By keef
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 18/05/2006 @ 14:37:58, By coopey
if fifth gear is in the page, i think top gear should be too, no? they're the same kind of TV show
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 19/05/2006 @ 14:58:07, By coopey
ok, then i'll put it
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 29/05/2006 @ 19:33:17, By G-MANN
Yes please, Top Gear got a bestiality of cars never seen before here!!
Um, you do know what the word "bestiality" means, don't you?

Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 13/07/2006 @ 09:59:27, By stronghold
..Don't go there.!!

...anyway ..about Top Gear there really that many cars.? ..they maybe cover 4 or five cars each episode ...with some background vehicles.? (..yes there are some exceptions ..where they have large gatherings of cars)... but mainly just stick to a few they are testing.!
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 14/07/2006 @ 10:27:58, By Raul1983
In my opinion adding Top Gear and Fifth Gear shows is not a right thing. Let me explain my point of view. I like TV-series and it's nice to see them on IMCDb but live shows are just a different thing. If we start to add live shows then there's no limit anymore, next we would be adding cars from TV-news scenes etc. Besides if anyone want's to know what cars were in Top Gear he can download the episode ( I just think it's against the original idea of this website.
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 14/07/2006 @ 11:18:45, By antp
TV-news is not really the same thing. In Top Gear they use cars, it is not just cars that pass in background. And there are DVDs of that like for series. For car-stuff it is closer to a series than to a news/show I think.
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 16/07/2006 @ 23:40:15, By G-MANN
Top Gear is not a live show, it's recorded. The main niggle I have with listing Top Gear is that it is non-fiction (although that doesn't necessarily mean you can't have documentary films here) and it features cars in an objectional sense rather than as part of a story. My first reaction to seeing Top Gear on the site was "God, this is going to be a gargantuan page". But the question is, does this site aim for total comprehensiveness or does it want to be pure and stick to fictional movies and television programs and be more of a site that celebrates cars as a part of cinema and television rather than just shoving in any car that's passed in front of a camera. IMDb, which is probably the spiritual father of this site, gets more and more comprehensive, as well as films it lists all kinds of TV programs and computer games, so do we want to follow that road or not?
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 16/07/2006 @ 23:43:46, By G-MANN
Also with Top Gear there's little element of surprise, as it tells at beginning of the episode which cars it is going to be looking at, whereas in a film it's nice to suddenly see a nice car that you might not have expected to see.
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 25/07/2006 @ 19:59:10, By Star Wars Fanatic
There's also the fact that some poor soul, i.e. me, has to upload the pictures for all these episodes...speaking of which I promise to have it all done in the next month or so now. By the way, I also have all of the "Top Gear" shows that you speak of, but they are not really Top Gear as they only feature Jeremy.
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 05/08/2006 @ 17:31:23, By Ralph
>Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
No No No
please delete this bad "Documentary" shows
No No No
please delete this bad "Documentary" shows
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 05/08/2006 @ 19:13:30, By dwd4X4
I think we should keep it. Maybe delete other similar shows like Fifth Gear though. I don't personaly like what I see on the show (kind of snobby, and makes it sound like European cars are the only good cars), but it did get me to like the Citroen DS.
Including "Top Gear" shows on IMCDb?
Published 05/08/2006 @ 22:51:31, By DIEHARD
I am for including this show. As a carfan I like to know in which episode of topgear my favorite cars are shown. I think we should include all similar programs from other countries too, if we included topgear, older shows of this kind will be quite interesting.... (and I have a few already to list...)
Latest Edition: 05/08/2006 @ 22:52:10
Latest Edition: 05/08/2006 @ 22:52:10