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Contributions » Airplanes in Jönssonligan får guldfeber
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Airplanes in Jönssonligan får guldfeber
Published 02/01/2014 @ 11:15:52, By villiam
There was two airplanes in

A Partenavia P.68B which had an important "role" in the movie.

There was also a Douglas Skyraider AD-4 W (Civil Registration: SE-EBB)

Please excuse the low quality of images, thought it was better tan no photos at all
File: SE-GFN.png ( 80.2 KB - 705 )

Latest Edition: 02/01/2014 @ 11:17:53
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Airplanes in Jönssonligan får guldfeber
Published 09/01/2014 @ 21:17:26, By walter.
This is some stuff for Impdb : can someone add it there (sixcyl?) ?
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