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old 2CV prototype in a movie to identify
Published 18/05/2015 @ 11:11:35, By antp
Photo sent by "the tornado", it seems to be a very early 2CV prototype, so if the movie can be identified from the actors it would be interesting to list I suppose
File: 2cv pick-up proto.jpg ( 18.5 KB - 596 )
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old 2CV prototype in a movie to identify
Published 18/05/2015 @ 12:20:33, By ingo
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old 2CV prototype in a movie to identify
Published 18/05/2015 @ 13:38:32, By rjluna2
I think this may be the rarer version of Citroen TPV van :think:

It doesn't even listed in the Wikipedia
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old 2CV prototype in a movie to identify
Published 18/05/2015 @ 21:17:11, By eLMeR
Sounds weird. Citroën never sold the (1939+? / 1942+?) TPV, the AU (i.e. fourgonnette / van) was made in 1951 directly with the "normal" 1948/49+ body, and I never saw mention of any TPV Van prototype. But hood, fenders, wheel rims and cyclopean headlamp look indeed like the ones of a TPV...

For the record, the TPV was apparently scheduled to be classified as a "light motorized quadricycle" (less than 300 kg/660 lb), which authorized it to have a single headlamp. This latter was not due to any French law involving "normal" cars, as one can read in some articles or sites.
But DynaMike could certainly say more about all this :smile:
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