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Contributions » Last Date (1950, Epehemeral Film)
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Last Date (1950, Epehemeral Film)
Published 04/04/2018 @ 04:44:37, By Ddey65
I can't believe I'm considering this, but I've actually considered submitting the 1950 "educational" film "Last Date" starring Joan Taylor and Dick York. Yes, the same Dick York from "Bewitched."

However, I've had some trouble getting a good shot from my DVD of the car that the man best known as Darrin Stephens drove, when he was flying though this non-descript suburban neighborhood showing off his custom hot rod. So I had to rely on this YouTube video (as if that will make any difference).

So before I add it, any guess on a make or model? I keep leaning towards a Chevy for some reason, but the only reason I can think of it a clip of it being reused in a Chevy commercial from 30-odd years ago.
File: Last Date; Nick's Cool Hot Rod.jpg ( 123.2 KB - 640 )
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