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Mini dives into barge movie?
Published 24/02/2019 @ 16:39:11, By Rally2b
I’m Glad I found this cool site. Main reason I watch a lot of old movies is for the cars and town scenes.
When I was a kid I saw a movie.
At the end of it the characters drive a mini off a pier and into a barge.
That's about all I remember of it. I re-watched the old Italian Job but that of course is not it.
Tried your site and the web.
Hoping a member might know of it.
I could step through all your sites hours but thought I would ask instead.
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Mini dives into barge movie?
Published 24/02/2019 @ 20:57:19, By dsl
Any other clues - for example was film British or European or American? Comedy or thriller? What happened - dramatic car chase? big explosion with people killed and barge sunk or a gentle landing in a pile of sand so nobody got their feet wet?
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Mini dives into barge movie?
Published 25/02/2019 @ 08:10:20, By Rally2b
The latter. They landed in trash perhaps and were finally caught so to speak.
An English film from mid 60s to mid 70s.
Unfortunately that is about all I remember.
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Mini dives into barge movie?
Published 25/02/2019 @ 20:46:47, By dsl
That should narrow it down a bit, but doesn't ring any bells with me. Maybe one possibility from what you describe is one of those spinoff films from TV sitcoms??
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