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Not So Easy - A Motorcycle Safety Film (1973 short/documentary)
Published 08/12/2019 @ 02:30:12, By Ddey65
Four years after starring in "Easy Rider," Peter Fonda narrated this documentary short about motorcycle safety called "Not So Easy - A Motorcycle Safety Film."

It was also co-hosted by Evel Knievel. It contains two early-1970's Harley-Davidsons which at the time was owned by American Machine and Foundry. Plus, there are plenty of cars and trucks from the 1960's, '70's and other post-WW2 vehicles that are one and two stars. I say one and two stars, because some of them cause near misses with motorcycles.

If I don't find the time to do this one, I suspect somebody like The Sad Biker might be interested in this.
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