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Top 15 affordable sports cars of the 90's
Published 18/02/2020 @ 06:31:04, By Baube
A little memorabilia of what was offered by car manufacturers before the SUV tried ( and succeed )to take over the world

and if you want it in french

some of them are really missed... :cry:

Latest Edition: 18/02/2020 @ 06:31:51
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Top 15 affordable sports cars of the 90's
Published 18/02/2020 @ 22:09:10, By night cub
I miss having lots of decent-looking, good-handling sporty cars on the market I had a green Integra followed by a red one back in the day. Later I had a Civic coupe. Most of the people I knew back in the day drove similar fun cars. Now it's just crossovers everywhere. No fun in that!
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