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Misc » Create an Android App for IMCDb is allowed?
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Create an Android App for IMCDb is allowed?
Published 15/09/2024 @ 22:17:28, By joelsodias
I was looking for an APP for IMCDb but I couldn't find one.

So I was wondering... Is it allowed to create one?

How and who I could ask for permission?


Latest Edition: 15/09/2024 @ 22:18:04
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Create an Android App for IMCDb is allowed?
Published 16/09/2024 @ 07:09:24, By antp
One of the next priorities of my to-do list is making the pages more mobile-friendly. As this could take some time before I do it, as my time for working on the site is limited.
In the meantime, as there was an iphone app, there could be one for Android a well, but I'll reply to your e-mail for further discussions :wink:
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