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I may've had some possible hope here; First, I'm still having problems playing my DVD's on Windows Media Player. It keeps telling me to check the codec, which I thought was already in tact. Second, I also have RealMedia, and I can play DVD's on that, but I get no sound. I can get sound from RealAudio files, and audio*wmp files, just not with video. That's not really good for full enjoyment of a movie, but still good enough to pause, push the "Print Screen/SysRq" button, and save to a *bmp file then convert it into a *jpg file. Therefore there could be a good chance you could see some of the movies I've wanted to add here after all, and by mid-November, I may even be able to load all the vehicles shown in "Up the Down Staircase"(1967), since I recently pre-ordered that from

So don't be surprised if you start seeing some images from me after all.

:whistle: :wait:
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