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Published 04/08/2012 @ 04:42:09, By Skywatcher68
I noticed several Abbott and Costello movies have yet to be added so I'll work on those from time to time. Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops (1955) was added today.

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Published 16/10/2012 @ 09:51:01, By twingoman
I don't know if anyone is planning, or has already started, the Channel 5 series "Classic Car Rescue", but I am going to download the episodes this evening to do captures. Bearing in mind we are up to episode 4 and nothing has been done yet, then I am guessing no-one has.

It is a similar programme to "Wheeler Dealers", restoring old cars.

It doesn't appear to be on IMDB yet, though.
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Published 16/10/2012 @ 14:35:21, By antp
Maybe first create a page with info about it, to be sure it is OK to list it, before doing a lot of captures.
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Published 16/10/2012 @ 15:04:56, By dsl
Have been watching it and it's a pretty dire piece of television - far too many unconvincing set pieces between the characters, staged disasters and gratuitous tantrums. Some very good cars included - "this is what a classic 911/E-type/Mustang/whatever looks like" - but the ones they restore are mongrels and even when they've finished are full of mistakes and mixed elements from different years. So I think we'll have a lot of arguments .... But it should be worth having, so I support it.
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Published 16/10/2012 @ 15:04:57, By twingoman
There isn't a huge amount of captures at the moment, from the first three episodes of six - about a dozen or so.

However, I will make a page for it with information.
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Published 20/10/2012 @ 12:32:47, By Ddey65
I tried to look for these, but I couldn't find them here, so if I don't add them myself, I'm recommending a couple of 1970's NYPD movies;

Cops and Robbers (1973)
The Super Cops (1974)

Considering the era these two were made in, you know there are going to be some decent police car scenes and chases there. Maybe not on the level of Bullitt, or The Seven-Ups, but they're there, and should be captured.

UPDATE: I recently got my copy of Cops and Robbers from Netflix, but any new screen caps will have to be delayed. My PC is broken, and no computers that I have access to has VLC Media, so I can't make any screencaps. Those two pics are from a trailer that was posted on YouTube, but they were also used in the movie, so I'm listing them as two and three stars anyhow while I wait for their approval.


And Power DVD is still worthless!

UPDATE #2: In spite of my problems with my PC, I was able to upload images from Cops and Robbers. But I'm still going to have to get a new PC soon, and transfer VLC Media onto it.

Latest Edition: 05/11/2012 @ 15:50:11
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Published 26/10/2012 @ 16:58:35, By Ddey65
I'm also considering an unaired TV pilot from 1965 called Two's Company starring Marlo Thomas and Ron Husmann. It currently has no IMDb link, and is only available on the 2nd Season "That Girl" DVD box set, although I'm pretty sure a couple of clips were used on the Biography channel. All cars are background vehicles, but their identities are pretty clear, so they might be worth covering.
File: Two's Company; Closing Title.JPG ( 24.6 KB - 1087 )

Latest Edition: 17/11/2012 @ 02:04:16
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Published 25/11/2012 @ 22:44:13, By ElSaxo
It's just a my impression, or the german TV series "Die Motorrad-Cops: Hart am Limit" ( isn't still listed on IMCBD?
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Published 25/11/2012 @ 22:47:24, By Sandie
It seems not to have been covered, yes.
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Published 25/11/2012 @ 23:07:38, By ElSaxo
Excellent, I'll try to add some screenshots for this series.

Thank you.
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Published 02/12/2012 @ 23:37:08, By Ddey65
I just did Frenemies (2012, TV-Movie) today, and I think The Super Cops (1974) will be next. If not, then a recent short known as First Kiss (2012, Short Movie).

UPDATE: First Kiss was finally added.

Latest Edition: 03/12/2012 @ 23:16:29
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Published 23/01/2013 @ 07:32:28, By Ddey65
Anybody else thinking of adding something to this list?
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Published 23/01/2013 @ 18:13:15, By antp
Usually when many of us plan to contribute to something, we just put a comment on the movie page. This topic is not very useful anymore :wink:
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Published 09/06/2013 @ 05:00:16, By ElSaxo
I could have swear that the film "Metti, una sera a cena" ( was already listed, but I can't find it... Or it's just me that I can't use properly the search function?
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Published 10/06/2013 @ 10:18:28, By antp
It does not seem listed currently (at least not with that IMDb number).
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