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Site updates and improvements
Published 16/04/2006 @ 19:53:19, By Bebert
Perso, j'utilise régulièrement la recherche par titre, mais je n'ai jamais eu plus d'une page... :grin:

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Site updates and improvements
Published 21/04/2006 @ 19:09:33, By antp
Few minor changes:
- "last edit" is not written in the same color as the quotes border (press F5 on a comments page if you still see it in black, to update the CSS page in your browser cache), I think it looks better than having that heavy text in black at the end of the comment
- SQL errors (connection to server, failed requests, ...) should be a little better handled, maybe I added few bugs when doing that :grin: and I haven't done it for all pages yet.
- corrected a bug : when a new login was created, the select country was not saved, so that's why new members did not had their country visible in their first message :kiki:
- display of page generation time, which will help me to see what has to be improved. For example the "see all comments" page is - as I was expecting it - quite heavy.
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Site updates and improvements
Published 02/05/2006 @ 22:53:35, By Alexander
I would like to suggest an addition to the site.

With almost 2000 comments posted I easily miss a reply to one of my remarks. It is not too bad if that was a reply like "Hey, nice find!" -- even though I admit I like those comments :wink: -- but I would like to see if someone asks a question or gives a different identification. Nothing is worse than letting it go by unnoticed. I know that others have the same problem, as quite a few of my questions were never answered ... or I missed the answer :smile:

Could we have a field on the "Messages posted by 'name'" indicating a status.
For example:
green: 'name' was the last contributor.
yellow: there was a contribution after 'name' wrote his, but he read it.
red: 'name' did not read the last contribution.

Especially 'yellow' will not be that easy to implement, but I think it could be useful.

If it is additionally possible to sort by this field life would be much easier! :smile:

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Site updates and improvements
Published 02/05/2006 @ 23:22:06, By antp
I am not sure to understand what you suggest... Maybe it would be better to have a link "notify user" and "notify admins", so that the concerned page would appear in a special list for the user (or for all admins in the second case). But some people may abuse of that (e.g. RockerBJ :grin: )
Or have checkboxes "need comment reply", "need name change", but that may be quite difficult to handle :ohwell:

Latest Edition: 02/05/2006 @ 23:23:07
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Site updates and improvements
Published 03/05/2006 @ 19:35:56, By wrenchhead
I understand what Alexander is talking about as I also find it a little difficult to track answers to posts and often they are not even my posts but someone else's that I happen to be interested in.

However, I can think of no reasonable way to notify a user that his comment has been answered, that additional comments follow his latest post or that additional posts have been make on a particular page.

A link to 'notify the commenter' (similar to the quote button) may be useful but I also worry about abuse.

I use a simple WORD document to track pages I want to visit again. I copy the page address and paste them into the document. That gives me quick access to those pages I am most interested in. I delete them when I am done with that page to keep it current. Its cumbersome and takes time but it works.

What worries me more is that once a vehicle has been identified (correctly or incorrectly) visits to that page and/or additional comments may be overlooked. This is particularly true on a busy day when a comment may be on the 2nd or 3rd page of the most recent comments and may be easily overlooked.
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Published 03/05/2006 @ 19:51:50, By antp
Rather than a Word document you could directly use Favorites/Bookmarks of your web browser.

I currently check all comments, but sometimes I miss one. The problem is that it takes time :ohwell:

Another solution would be to separate comments for change requests from comments that are only comments.
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Published 03/05/2006 @ 23:13:49, By wrenchhead
I already have too many bookmarks on my browser :smile:

Change requests would probably drive you (or all admins)crazy.

I check most comments but it does take time especially when I miss a day.

I think its probably best to leave it to each user to handle it as it best suits him rather then make a lot of difficult modifications to the site.
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Site updates and improvements
Published 04/05/2006 @ 00:05:55, By Alexander
MY idea was not an active "Press button X to notify Admin Y", but a passive system.

When I look at my 'comments posted' I see on the left hand side the vehicle make and name followed by the film title and date. A field below that could be filled in green it my comment was the last of all comments, and filled in red if there is another comment after mine. So far that should not be difficult.

The 'yellow' field I mentioned above it a bit more difficult, as some extra Db action is needed. The field should be yellow if there is a comment after mine but I have seen it.

A technical solution could be a comment number field (invisible). When I write a comment it gets a consecutive number, i.e. my comment is the third the number field is set to three. If I now visit my 'comments posted' and no one has sent a comment after me the total number of comments is three and identical to my number field, thus the visible field is green. If the total number of comments has risen to 4 the visible field is red. If I now open the linked comments/vehicle page my number field will be increased to 4. On my next visit to 'comments posted' the total number of comments is 4, my number field is 4 and my comment itself is still the third. Then the visible field is turned to yellow.

Hope that wasn't too confusing. :smile:
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Site updates and improvements
Published 04/05/2006 @ 10:37:30, By antp

When I look at my 'comments posted' I see on the left hand side the vehicle make and name followed by the film title and date. A field below that could be filled in green it my comment was the last of all comments, and filled in red if there is another comment after mine. So far that should not be difficult.
The 'yellow' field I mentioned above it a bit more difficult, as some extra Db action is needed. The field should be yellow if there is a comment after mine but I have seen it.

Something similar is on my to-do list ... since lots of time :grin:
I was not planning to include the seen / not seen status actually, only a list of "topics" where you posted, sorted by date of last reply.
I could add a "seen" status, but this would be heavier for the server, but first I would have to optimize the whole thing or it will kill the server :grin:

A technical solution could be a comment number field (invisible).[...]

It could be a solution, yes. I have to think about that :wink:

Latest Edition: 04/05/2006 @ 10:38:36
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Site updates and improvements
Published 25/05/2006 @ 15:39:20, By antp
I made few changes in the "see all comments" page, it should be less heavy for the server (generation time is around 0.5 sec rather than 1.5 sec now).
I also made an automatic replacement of " to ' or 2' depending on the case, as it was causing problems.

Latest Edition: 25/05/2006 @ 15:57:07
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Site updates and improvements
Published 07/06/2006 @ 22:02:44, By dwd4X4
Why can't the IMCDB comments have the same smileys? The IMCDB Forum has mutch better smileys/emoticons
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Published 07/06/2006 @ 23:30:10, By antp
There are thousands of smileys here, I do not want to copy all these on the site (both are not on the same server, and that's not me that make/manage the server).
If a smiley is needed, I can add it.
If you just want to use one occasionnally, you can copy its address and put it between ... tags.

Latest Edition: 07/06/2006 @ 23:30:40
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Site updates and improvements
Published 08/06/2006 @ 07:10:44, By qwerty_86
Can you add a script or something to shorten URL links automatically in the comments? Some people post huge links that stretch out the page so horizontal scrolling is inevitable. On most forums I visit, links with more than a certain number of characters is automatically put into a [URL] tag and the visible link is changed to
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Published 08/06/2006 @ 09:53:48, By antp
It is on my to-do list, I know that I have to do it :grin: I will try to take time for that this week-end :wink:
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Site updates and improvements
Published 08/06/2006 @ 17:18:46, By dwd4X4
There are thousands of smileys here, I do not want to copy all these on the site (both are not on the same server, and that's not me that make/manage the server).
If a smiley is needed, I can add it.
If you just want to use one occasionnally, you can copy its address and put it between ... tags.

Okay, thats cool. I mainly like :sweat: :halalala: :kaola: :boidleau:

Latest Edition: 08/06/2006 @ 17:20:21
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Site updates and improvements
Published 08/06/2006 @ 20:10:01, By antp
What I could maybe do is to make a special code, like putting [ ] around the smiley code, e.g. [:code:], so the site knows that he has to fetch the smiley on the other server (and it would work for all smileys of the forum).
And "local" smileys stay with :code: like currently, on a reduced smileys list.
Do you see what I mean?

Latest Edition: 08/06/2006 @ 20:10:38
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Site updates and improvements
Published 25/06/2006 @ 23:37:53, By antp
As asked by few members, I added filters on the "unknown" page to allow to browse by type (cars, bikes, trucks, etc.)
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Published 26/06/2006 @ 02:45:25, By firebird86
antp: Great upgrade, This will make it a lot easier to find unknowns when I stumble acrossed something I recognize. Good job :smile:
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Published 26/06/2006 @ 10:44:41, By antp
I should also make a link to get the list of "model unknown only", i.e. vehicles where the make is already known. Though that it can be get by doing a search on model=unknown and leaving make to an empty field.
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Published 26/06/2006 @ 13:14:28, By jplemoine
J'avais pas vu les dernières nouveautés... :aaah: Merci pour tout, Antoine!
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Site updates and improvements
Published 26/06/2006 @ 13:47:10, By antp
Ouais enfin c'est vraiment pas grand chose :grin:
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