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Even if I had time for making that, I do not really have the interest of doing it (but anyway I do not have time :D)
If someone knows PHP enough to make changes in the code and run/maintain the site, I could give IMCDB code like what I did for IGCD.

I realise you don't have the time, but since you gave a hand to Star Wars Fanatic and Rinspeed in creating IGCB, maybe someone could make an aircraft database with a little help from you. I know nothing about programming (I've never even made my own website), but how much time would a site like IMCDB or IGCB require to maintain, once the site is designed and some guidelines are set, surely it doesn't require hours every day? I know you spend a lot of time on this site because it's labour of love, but what would be the mininum amount of time and maintainance required?

Anyway I don't think I'm the right person to manage a movie aircraft website (because I just don't know enough about aircraft), maybe sixcyl could do it? Or maybe a few of us could maintain the site as a team (as programmers, rather than just admins)
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