Misc » how to buy a house
how to buy a house
Published 22/02/2007 @ 22:50:28, By wickey
how to buy a house
Published 22/02/2007 @ 23:06:15, By wickey
few 100ks, maybe mil. eur in pocket
Latest Edition: 22/02/2007 @ 23:06:59

Latest Edition: 22/02/2007 @ 23:06:59
how to buy a house
Published 22/02/2007 @ 23:09:43, By Neptune
I could never get that lucky!!! If I bought land and it had a old locked-up barn on it, and I opened it up, you know what I would find??? Probably one old work boot, some rat dung and some beer bottles…

I could never get that lucky!!! If I bought land and it had a old locked-up barn on it, and I opened it up, you know what I would find??? Probably one old work boot, some rat dung and some beer bottles…

how to buy a house
Published 22/02/2007 @ 23:20:51, By wickey
how to buy a house
Published 23/02/2007 @ 00:09:50, By wrenchhead
WOW - what a find. If only I could be that lucky. On second thought my old heart probably wouldn't stand it.
Latest Edition: 23/02/2007 @ 00:10:36

Latest Edition: 23/02/2007 @ 00:10:36
how to buy a house
Published 23/02/2007 @ 07:09:39, By qwerty_86
Wow, just wow! That's an amazing bargain!
how to buy a house
Published 29/03/2007 @ 04:18:26, By firebird86
Unimaginable, I wonder if they were stolen?
how to buy a house
Published 29/03/2007 @ 16:07:33, By wickey
nah, I believe some previous owner was a collector and shared his passion with no relatives