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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:13:21, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:15:48, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:16:55, By antp
main pic seems already good to me
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:20:05, By mike962
with each new Stage (Season) animation got better and better so I was thinking when possible to use a pic from the newst time a car showed up

you can with SUbaru that animation clearly imporved from Stage 4 to Stage 5

and that yellow FD aperead in the very first ep of series and continuesly thru the series soa global vehicle
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:24:15, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 15:26:25, By mike962
as said, this you should remove ep alltogether, first apperead in 1.01 thur the whole series , second most importanr car after the 5 star AE86
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 16:25:28, By antp
ep id is also the episode from which the capture comes, not especially only the one where the car is seen.
In many series there are cars seen in several episodes
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 16:41:37, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 16:59:55, By mike962
was ID appereantly by Ingo
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 07/11/2012 @ 20:56:22, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 10/11/2012 @ 17:51:34, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 12/11/2012 @ 21:39:58, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 16/11/2012 @ 15:02:06, By mike962
episode for this is 1.01 , only apperead then and never was seen again

also wasn't this also called "Savanna" and code shortcuted to just FC

like this from same page

Latest Edition: 16/11/2012 @ 15:02:47
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 16/11/2012 @ 20:27:47, By mike962
perhaps except for the Rols Royce put all cars as Made For Movie

they don't really look that authentic for late 20s ones and considering the huge abuse they were put thru the movie I doubt they could have afford to do it too original ones

Latest Edition: 16/11/2012 @ 20:28:18
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 01:03:52, By Gomsel
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 07:22:49, By Gomsel
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 07:38:48, By Gomsel
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 11:54:21, By mike962
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 11:55:27, By antp
Mike, you added that just right now... this topic is for things missed by admins, not for speeding up changes :tongue:

Latest Edition: 18/11/2012 @ 11:56:16
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Non-Unidentified Vehicles
Published 18/11/2012 @ 18:30:35, By mike962
sorry , I wanted to get this issue out of the way because I am pretty much done with Emergency! I'll leave Rjluna2 to do the final season 6
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