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I can’t stand these zippy little high performance SUVs like Porsche, BMW and others have, I just don’t under stand them. Yet they sell like hot cakes. People have lost the idea of what the SUV was meant to be – a work horse. SUVs were never meant to be fast, sporty and quick. If someone wants fast, sporty and quick, then they should get a sports car or 4-door sports sedan. I know my Expedition isn’t fast or sporty (and ironically naive people down grade it for that) and Mercedes, Porsche and BMW’s performance SUVs can run circles around the Expedition in the performance category. But, the Expedition wasn’t built to be sporty or fast, it is built like old-school SUVs; big, robust and with endurance for work. I know for a fact it could out work any thing Mercedes, Porsche and BMW could manufacture in the SUV segment.
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