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taxiguy-I'll ask my dad to get a few photos for you, but the taxis are new ones, just so you know.

How new? Do you mean only the 2007+ generation or are there ones of the previous (2002-2006) generation also? Although I do not like the 2007+ generation, I am quite fond of the 2002-2006 generation. Of course my favorite gen for Camrys is the 1987-1991 generation, but I doubt you'll be seeing any of those as taxis :grin:

Btw, I recently discovered that for a few years (1989-1997), Holden made a down-market re-baged version of the Camry for the Australian market called the "Apollo". It came in such strange colors such as bright red and yellow :tongue: I find it quite silly looking with those dinky little Austrailian bumpers :grin: (I guess you don't have as rigorous crash requierments as we have here in the US)
Just so you can see what I mean, here's a picture of my dad's 1988 Camry's rear bumper:

And here's a picture of an Apollo's rear bumper :grin:

Seing you like taxis as much, dont you collect pictures of taxis of the world? you'd get many models repeated but you could still see the decorations on each country.

I would like to, but I am far from a "world traveler" (the only other country I've been to is Canada :grin: ) and therefore have no way to get such pictures. :sad: However I do try to take pictures of taxis whenever I go to a different city such as New York, Washigton DC. or Detroit. I have already posted many pictures of New York and DC cabs, but it appears I never posted any of my pictures from Detroit trip I took a couple months ago. I might as well post them now, as I did get quite a few good ones. (Ford guy, you might enjoy looking at these, as many of them are former P71 cop cars)

A line of taxis downtown

A 2001+ Crown Victoria

A 1999-2000 Crown Victoria (with bumper trim painted over)

A 1995-1997 Crown Victoria (clearly a former NYC cab :love: )

Also, I went back to my own town's taxi garage and took a couple more pictures:
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