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taxiguy-I'll ask my dad to get a few photos for you, but the taxis are new ones, just so you know.
How new? Do you mean only the 2007+ generation or are there ones of the previous (2002-2006) generation also? Although I do not like the 2007+ generation, I am quite fond of the 2002-2006 generation. Of course my favorite gen for Camrys is the 1987-1991 generation, but I doubt you'll be seeing any of those as taxis
Btw, I recently discovered that for a few years (1989-1997), Holden made a down-market re-baged version of the Camry for the Australian market called the "Apollo". It came in such strange colors such as bright red and yellow I find it quite silly looking with those dinky little Austrailian bumpers (I guess you don't have as rigorous crash requierments as we have here in the US)
Just so you can see what I mean, here's a picture of my dad's 1988 Camry's rear bumper:
And here's a picture of an Apollo's rear bumper
Seing you like taxis as much, dont you collect pictures of taxis of the world? you'd get many models repeated but you could still see the decorations on each country.
I would like to, but I am far from a "world traveler" (the only other country I've been to is Canada ) and therefore have no way to get such pictures. However I do try to take pictures of taxis whenever I go to a different city such as New York, Washigton DC. or Detroit. I have already posted many pictures of New York and DC cabs, but it appears I never posted any of my pictures from Detroit trip I took a couple months ago. I might as well post them now, as I did get quite a few good ones. (Ford guy, you might enjoy looking at these, as many of them are former P71 cop cars)
A line of taxis downtown
A 2001+ Crown Victoria
A 1999-2000 Crown Victoria (with bumper trim painted over)
A 1995-1997 Crown Victoria (clearly a former NYC cab )
Also, I went back to my own town's taxi garage and took a couple more pictures: