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Soem years ago there was an old Ford-dealership in Germany with a similar history.
It was a smaller garage, owned by and older man. After he died (1980 or 1981), his widow has closed the garage and never went in again. After she was dying, too, the garage was openend and the cars sold. So suddenly there were some brand new Taunus MKII or Fiesta MKI on the market.

More than 10 years ago, a VW-dealer in Melle (close to Osnabrück) was going into bankrupcy, so his cars were sold on an auction.
Alle the cars, he liked, he has put in the cellar and hasn't sold them (perhaps a reason for his bankrupcy).

At this auction there was sold -among a lot of other cars- a K 70, which was never in registration with original 352 km, an Audi "Ur-quattro" with original 0 km (!!!) and a car, which was never been sold officially: a VW Karmann Ghia Cabriolet Typ 34 (!!!!!).

In the early 90ies there was a Yugo-dealer in my former home-town Dortmund. When the Yugoslavian war started, he closed his dealership. A brand new Yugo was still standing in the showroom. Over the years the show-room-window was getting more and more dirtier and dustier (it was in an ugly area of Dortmund), but the Yugo was still standing untouched.
7 or 8 years lter a new owner opened annother car-garage.
What happend with the brand new Yugo? He was standing outside, under trees and bushes - and finally picked up by a scrap-dealer for the shredder.
Noone had the idea to buy it.
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