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Never quite understood that Buick "hawk" thing. I have a 1978 Buick full-line sales brochure and that brown hawk is all over it. It just doesn't make sense in my mind why they would want to be represented by a hawk.
I don't mean to offend, but perhaps this is the time that some American car companies were trying to sell cars by patriotism alone? For the record, the bird mascot was an eagle, which, while not the national symbol of the Bald Eagle, still commands some authority in the animal kingdom.
Yes, two things wrong with the re-imaging of Buick during that time. (1) How could the new corporate mascot be so linked to the brand's sub-compact class offering, when the brand had always been known for its large luxury sedans that still have plenty of power? (2) Couldn't they find a more "Regal" name for that bird than "Happy?" I mean, come on!