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But usually you cannot destroy a gearbox, when you don't do that.

Sometimes I'm irritating passengers, when I'm pushing the stick-shift a bit more powerful in its position. The simple result is, that I'm a K 70-driver since nearly 18 years, and the gearbox of the K 70 is a typical NSU-construction, with the NSU-typical jamming gear-shift, especially for the 2nd gear. So a long-time NSU-driver uses a bit more power to choose the gear.
This is no problem, because the gearbox knows it. I never had a broken gearbox in my several K 70 or my NSU 1200 - even if I always shift violently.

The most horrible experience I had with a quite gone 300 000 km-VW T3-Transporter, I as a loan for a weekend from annother guy. It's gearbox was nearly totally gone (it was also changed and not original). during that trip I got several aggressivity-attacks, so I crashed the gear-shift with footkicks in its postion.

In our south Africa-vacations in 2003 once I was pissed about our rental car, a 2001 Renault Megane. For my opinion the gearshift was very jerky - so I was angry and took both hands for using the gear-shift.
The result was, that my wife was getting angry and has thrown me off the driver's seat - so I've seen the country as a passenger. My wife drove the whole 4500 km.
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