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You will also enjoy Madrid's beautiful architecture, well here you are the pictures Max:

A Skoda Octavia 1, picture taken in front of the hard rock cafe, though the hard rock was behind of me, you can also see a big spanish flag.

Another Octavia 1 but this time in front of one fo the entrance of the park of El Retiro, which is like a Madrilian Central Park :smile:

Go to spanish wikipedia to see the pictures

And then to the english one, to read a bit of it

Volkswagen Passat and Seat Toledo 3, picture taken in my beloved Gran Via :love:

Seat Toledo 2, also in Gran Via

Peugeot 406 postfacelift followed by another Toledo 2, picture taken in Alcalá street.

Another 406, followed by a Skoda Octavia an a Nissan Primera.

I hope you like them, sorry if ive bored you but i love Madrid and when i have to talk about it i just love it :wink:
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