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Typical American attitude :lol:

Yes, as I was typing that I realized how much of an arrogant American that made me sound like. :grin: But I decided to leave it, as it is truly how I feel. As you know, since we don't have parking issues, narrow streets or astronomically high gas prices here (although it is going up) owning larger cars is not so much of a problem. And I think given the choice, most people would prefer a smooth-riding quick-accelerating Caprice or Deville than a noisy, bumpy, underpowered little Chevy Aveo or Toyota Yaris. Also, there's more room for cargo and people, and bigger cars are generally more comfortable. I'm not saying I NEED a gigantic land yatch like a Crown Vic or a Lesabre, it would just be nice you know? I could be satisfied with a Camry or a Taurus. I do love our '88 Camry, :smile: it's big enough and nice enough for me. As for feeling like a moron, eh... I don't know how to explain it. It's just, when I picture myself driving around a Geo Metro or something, it just seems... horrible :kiki: . I know it's comepletely normal in Europe, but here not so much. I guess it's just what American society has planted in my mind, along with the other 300 million people here.

But even so, at least I am not as bad as some others. I still despise any type of SUV (as do you) and I would never once think about owning such a monstrosity for even one second. They simply are a waste of space, not too mention ugly. Some people think they look "cool" or "tough", but to me they are just ugly. And if you need more cargo space jsut buy a wagon, and if you are compensating for something then just.... well, I'm not going to on a rant here, you get my drift :wink:

By the way I wouldn't mind owning a Mini, at least it has some nice British class and style, but as for most other subcompacts... :kaola:
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