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But, it seems like some people can do this sort of analysis-

-with any car. It boggles the mind. I can pretty much only do that sort of breakdown with MkII Supras, and they're really easy.

Well, if you take enough time and put enough thought into it, most people can memorize this sort of info. Most car lovers have their specialty of course, I guess yours is the MkII Supra :wink:

I personally wouldn't consider myself to really have a specialty however. I guess if I had to choose, it would be the Toyota Camry, hence my Camry Encyclopedia. But I know this kind of information about most every car. Mind you though, the extent of my knowledge is only for American and Japanese made cars sold in North America from about 1975 on. Most cars before that I have close to no idea about and Europeans cars- man those are just crazy! :crazy: I don't think I could ever memorize all of them even if I tried! And note that it took me over four years to accumilate all of the knowledge I have today. Plus I spent most all of my freetime researching these cars :grin:

And even people not interested in cars often memorize this kind of information about a different subject. For instance, my brother knows every little thing about trains that you could ever imagine. Every company, every model, every rail line, anything!

It just goes to show, if you're really interested in something, you can really learn a lot about it and keep that information with you for a long time :wink:
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