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What should I buy?
Published 11/08/2007 @ 11:48:30, By G-MANN
But it must be possible to fix electronic stuff or replace it, expensive, but possible? Although the thing is it might cost so much, not many people would want to bother. Wickey says that cars made today won't be classics because all their electronics will fail and render the car useless, but surely the nicer cars will still become future classics that people would be willing to spend money on to restore? Let at how much electronic stuff fighter jets have and some of them are still in service after 20 or 30 years. One car I'm thinking of is the Aston Martin Lagonda, first built in the mid-70s. The first versions had loads of gadgets and then-fancy technology like LED displays and touch-screen buttons, all of this was so ambitious for the time that it all went wrong very quickly, so I don't know if the earlier models (which I prefer to the later models) even work at all. But if money wasn't an object, couldn't you fix all that stuff or even replace it with newer technology?
Latest Edition: 11/08/2007 @ 11:53:21
Latest Edition: 11/08/2007 @ 11:53:21
What should I buy?
Published 11/08/2007 @ 14:02:12, By wickey
somehow yes, but still, I heard about some recordings from NASA from mid 60s, that there is no way to play them now + they are fading away.. Anyway something very similar should happen in 50 years to todays vehicles IMHO.. Of course, the best way should be tear that crappy electronics off, put there a carburator on each pair of cylinders and voila
Latest Edition: 11/08/2007 @ 14:02:29

Latest Edition: 11/08/2007 @ 14:02:29
What should I buy?
Published 11/08/2007 @ 14:52:17, By antp
If you still find petrol... Else what will become all these cars if a new energy source is found/used ? Or if we all have to revert back to horses and feet ?
What should I buy?
Published 16/08/2007 @ 03:42:53, By dmoss
I agree with the Honda Civic recommendation. I've owned one and wouldn't hesitate to own another. I've heard it said that if there were a nuclear apocalypse the cockroach would survive, along with the Honda Civic.
What should I buy?
Published 19/09/2007 @ 23:31:01, By MBSL65fan
Likely now to be a 1999 F150.

What should I buy?
Published 20/09/2007 @ 19:57:05, By crazyforcars12
You can pick up W140 mercs for dirt now.....
What should I buy?
Published 21/09/2007 @ 00:19:17, By Neptune
He most likely meant that you can get them for "dirt" cheap.
What should I buy?
Published 21/09/2007 @ 19:07:21, By crazyforcars12
Yes, there not that cheap!
What should I buy?
Published 21/09/2007 @ 21:50:39, By G-MANN
Old S-Classes may look cheap, but they won't be cheap to fix and there's probably a lot of things that can go wrong on them.
What should I buy?
Published 22/09/2007 @ 00:30:21, By MBSL65fan
The W126 looks cheap, but the W140 doesn't really. I'd like to have a 300SD or S350D (W140) but it would be expensive to own.

What should I buy?
Published 22/09/2007 @ 14:12:26, By G-MANN
What should I buy?
Published 22/09/2007 @ 19:54:45, By MBSL65fan
It's my mom's old car. Since she has a new one and she doesn't use it anyomre she may give it to me.
What should I buy?
Published 22/09/2007 @ 20:04:11, By MBSL65fan
Also it is good to have because where I live there a re-cycling places where you can re-cycle for money and with many large bags of bottles and cans it's convenient to have a truck bed.