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but none of my brochures are for any of the cars we actually have!

Once I thought about, that it would be nice to have a brochure of every car, me or my familiy had own, when I had a brochure of a 1981 Toyota Celica XT in my hand - because I had exactly such a car like in that brochure in 1994/95, same colour, same interior, same extras. It was a very early one of that model, chassis-no. ..00047.
But I've never been a freak for it, so I never had collected any literature of it.

I must say, that for the most of my non-K 70-cars, I never had literature, mostly even not a manual instruction. Even not for the 1987 VW Passat Variant GT, I owned for 4 1/2 years.

Anyways, it's surely hard to find a brochure of the military-version of the Opel Omega B :grin:

@walter: was there any brochure of the 1984 Audi 80 SC existing? I had such a car in 1997/1998 as a winter-car. The "SC" was a special-model, launched shortly before the facelift of the Audi 80 in Summer 1984 - to get rid of the old model before the new one was coming, typical for VW and Audi.
Finally it was just a semi-basic-version, "pimped" with plush-seats, tinted windows and a radio.

P.S. The only literature I have from family-cars, is a brochure of the 1968 Mercedes W 115 from my grandfather and the instruction manual of the 1973 VW Passat, my father had owned from 1978-1980.
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