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@G-Mann: For sure, I have no memories to that trip. I've found it out, when I saw the photo, my grandmother has taken at that day.

Only have a very tiny memory at that car: that it had striped seats. Shortly after my birth, my grandfather has bought his Mercedes 200 [W115] and my grandmother had used the 190 as a second car, until she got her DAF 44.

So I must have been 2 or 3 years old, when I catched the memory with the striped seats.

Grandma's DAF 44 -she had it until 1980- I can remember very good. I remember, how the turn-signal-"clic-clac"-sound was, how it sounds, then you've closed the trunk and so on.

And it sounds strange, but ca.10 years ago, when I've looked on a junkyard into a (@Antoine!!) Peugeot 104, I got a real "dejà yu"-hammer in my brain - it was definetley the identical smell, my gandma's DAF 44 had! For sure!

After that, I catched suspicious views from the freaks of the DAF-club, when I've asked them on a classic-car-show, if I could please take a nose of the interior-smell of their DAF's, because I'm looking for the authentic DAF-smell of my childhood. :grin:

P.S.I was sad, because the DAF's of the DAF-club haven't smelled like gandma's 44. I mst go to the DAF-Mueseum in Eindhoven. It shall be good, but until now, I haven't been there.
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