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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 00:33:34, By MBSL65fan
You should read this one comment he posted on a video that demolished a Tempo! :lol: Look for his name at the link.

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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 00:43:48, By G-MANN
The people on youtube responded to his comments much less politely than we did.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 00:47:48, By MBSL65fan
Youtube is way more popular than IMCDB and most of them are teens or college students. Most people here are grown up and mature. :smile:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 00:55:26, By G-MANN
Mind you his comment was hardly polite:

"SUCKS! That is completely gay! What the hell are you, queers? What kind of idiot does that? Also, the Tempo and Mercury Topaz are great cars. Hope you die on one of these idiot rituals. Burn in hell a$$ hole."

Latest Edition: 10/08/2007 @ 01:03:48
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 01:04:51, By MBSL65fan
He acts like his opinion is a fact and it's not. By this time probably half of them are scrap.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 01:07:55, By G-MANN
That might be because a lot of them get wrecked in movies, see this page:

When Explorer was here, Tempo destruction in movies really became a running joke on this site, one he always failed to see the funny side of.

Latest Edition: 10/08/2007 @ 01:12:22
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 01:19:02, By MBSL65fan
If he loved Crown Vics as much as his Tempos I think things would be a lot different. :grin:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 01:24:27, By G-MANN
He does like Crown Vics, he likes Fords in general, he considers the Crown Victoria to be the last of a dying breed of full-size American sedans, but he can handle watching them getting wrecked, like in Blues Brothers 2000 where hundreds of them end up in one big pile up (plenty more where they came from). But the Tempo seems be his true love, the car he is most protective of.

Latest Edition: 10/08/2007 @ 01:26:13
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 01:32:30, By MBSL65fan
I used to like the Infiniti J30 a lot. It is not a special car, but I found it interesting. I probably liked it as much as Explorer4x4 liked Tempos, but i wouldn't get mad if someone insulted them or if I saw one get wrecked (2 of them were destroyed in Good Burger and Heart and Souls if I'm right.) I liked that kind of car a lot, but i was not protective over them. Right now I don't like them as much as I used to.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 02:35:15, By Neptune
I get upset when I see a Expedition (New or Old) get damaged or destroyed. As these vehicles are a lot nicer and luxurious, I feel they should be spared, but that is a wish of mine. The recent Die Hard movie used two of them and destroyed them both. :sad:

I felt somewhat gutless as the scenes the Expeditions were used in unfolded before my eyes. Ever car enthusiast has that favorite vehicle they just adore. :smile:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 03:13:26, By MBSL65fan
I get upset when I see a Expedition (New or Old) get damaged or destroyed.

But you're not like Explorer4x4, which starts complaining and insulting other members. I hate it when exotic or luxury cars get demolished in movies or tv shows. I just like old, trashy cars getting wrecked in movies like the Tempo. :grin: It's more fun and entertaining when old cars (not classics) crash and blow up, and is not as heart breaking. :ddr555:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 09:55:24, By antp
I do not like when old cars are destroyed if they were still in good shape (so I mean not junk cars, but cars made long time ago), as these cars are usually quite less common. But I do not insult people either when they are destroyed in movies :grin:
one that I found sad:
Destroying recent cars in movies usually do not do me anything (luxury or not), since these are common and often still in production (so it may even help to sell more, when people see the car in the movie)

Latest Edition: 10/08/2007 @ 09:57:18
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 12:43:42, By G-MANN
I used think it was a shame when nice cars got destroyed in movies (this happened a lot in James Bond films), but now I don't care as much, if it makes for an entertaining movie sequence I think it's worth it. Filmmakers probably wouldn't destroy anything particularly rare or valuable anyway, I think they often use replicas and models for the bits where the cars get completely totalled instead of destroying expensive exotic cars. What I think is really tragic are some of the pictures on this site:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 14:05:02, By antp
Many "rare" cars do not have an especially high value.
Destroying a DeLorean is much cheaper than destroying a brand new mid-size sedan European sedan, for example.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 20:34:23, By wickey
or a 262c bertone :sad:

anyway back to the topic. I think, that also when I remember how I loved cars when I was 14 - I would love anything if it calls me Sir - even a Yugo :smile: so his passion for that crappy old car is a bit understandable :smile:

Latest Edition: 10/08/2007 @ 20:43:08
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 10/08/2007 @ 21:33:38, By MBSL65fan
The J30 was sort of rare. Many people don't like the back end too much, and it was sad to see this one squashed by an over-sized hamburger. :cry:

It could have been one of the last ones built if it was filmed sometime after June 18, 1997.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 11/08/2007 @ 03:48:11, By Neptune
I like seeing New Luxury cars getting destroyed in New Films, but my problem is, over time as the movie gets old (as well as the cars used in it) I loose that happy feeling, then it is replaced by sadness. (example: I didn’t mined seeing cars of the 70’s and 80’s get destroyed, but now looking back I feel sick when they are tore all to pieces.

Well this is my last comment for this evening and this weekend. I’m leaving home at 600am tomorrow to take the kids on a trip to the Mountains. See you all when I get back. :wink:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 11/08/2007 @ 06:17:44, By MBSL65fan
So would you prefer to see a Lincoln Navigator get destroyed rather than an Expediton? :tongue: Just kidding. Enjoy your vacation. :smile:
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 11/08/2007 @ 19:45:07, By wrenchhead
or a 262c bertone :sad:
so his passion for that crappy old car is a bit understandable :smile:

I agree wickey, he was young and apparently had a tempo = instant love affair. His love for them was tiresome but understandable and didn't bother me much. However, that doesn't forgive or explain his insults and racism on other subjects. That, I think, is what really bothered us and what ultimately got him banned.
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 11/08/2007 @ 21:54:42, By antp
Yes, the Tempo-thing was quite entertaining and did not annoy anybody (while it was only on Tempo-pages, and posting off-subject things on other pages, trying to prove that Tempo and SUVs are better than others)

Latest Edition: 11/08/2007 @ 21:55:39
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I just have to ask about Explorer4X4
Published 15/08/2007 @ 17:37:18, By badlymad
Besides his love of Tempos, another thing Explorer4x4 can be noted for was his great support for putting 'adult' films on the site.
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