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Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 25/08/2007 @ 05:11:25, By Ddey65
Not witnessed, no. But I've been in one.
I've done both... on numerous occasions.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 26/08/2007 @ 05:58:41, By qwerty_86
I heard on the news years ago someone feel asleep while driving and he nearly bit his tounge off while driving.
That driver in the Escort didn't get away did she?
That driver in the Escort didn't get away did she?
No, she stayed. It turns out she was in my English class the year before.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 26/08/2007 @ 06:01:04, By qwerty_86
Hahaha. I guess it is something you don't hear about everyday. The point is, I was in the backseat while my mom went to open up the gate to the driveway. While she was doing that, I moved to the front seat, shifted into drive, and hit the pedal. I have no clear recollection of the event so don't ask why, how or anything like that. I wasn't a troublemaker as a little kid either, but I guess I wanted to drive like "mommy"

Both my sisters have done that before. Except the car wasn't on. Gotta love old cars with no shift interlocks. Luckly, I was there with them so I was able to put the car back in park. Kinda hard to reach the brake pedal when you're 10 y/o and the car's a floor shifter.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 17:18:14, By G-MANN
If you have a wreck while speeding, running a red light, driving drunk, talking on the phone, putting on makeup, reading the paper, tailgating, eating, not paying attention, etc, etc, I don't think its an accident - its a stupid. I have seen all of these things being done in heavy traffic.
I don't think driver training will help because you just can't cure stupidity.
Its a damn wonder we don't kill more people than we do.
I don't think driver training will help because you just can't cure stupidity.
Its a damn wonder we don't kill more people than we do.
When I visited America recently (LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas), I noticed loads of people talking on cellphones while they were driving, far more than I see on British roads. I found it rather disgusting, and I can't believe they all get away with it, if I was a cop in any one of those cities I'd be pulling loads of people over. If you must talk on the phone while you're driving (I wonder how many people are making important calls while driving or are just being assholes making social chat calls), at least get hands-free kit (I'm not sure how they cost) so you can have both hands on the wheel while you're driving. Americans also seem to have a habit of driving too close behind each other.
Latest Edition: 29/08/2007 @ 17:19:10
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 23:32:23, By ford_guy
Actually, beginning in 2008, it will be illegal for drivers in California to drive while talking on a cellphone. Bluetooths and other wireless devices are allowed, but cellphones will be banned while driving period. The law was supposed to go into effect earlier this year, but it got pushed back. Personally, I wouldn't want to waste my time pulling people over for that, unless I saw an imminent threat to others on the street. The CHP can handle that.

Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 29/08/2007 @ 23:59:49, By G-MANN
Ford Guy, are you a full time police officer? From reading your previous posts, I thought you were some kind of civilian support worker who went out in patrol cars with cops but wasn't actually a cop.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 02:48:04, By MBSL65fan
When I visited America recently (LA, San Francisco and Las Vegas), I noticed loads of people talking on cellphones while they were driving, far more than I see on British roads. I found it rather disgusting, and I can't believe they all get away with it, if I was a cop in any one of those cities I'd be pulling loads of people over. If you must talk on the phone while you're driving (I wonder how many people are making important calls while driving or are just being assholes making social chat calls), at least get hands-free kit (I'm not sure how they cost) so you can have both hands on the wheel while you're driving. Americans also seem to have a habit of driving too close behind each other.
Yes, Drivers in America are like that, but I know I won't be.

Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 03:07:31, By MBSL65fan
Just thought it'd be a neat subject
. The most I've witnessed is a minor bump and a 180 on the freeway.

Actually, I take that back. During the summer I was siting in my grandmother's Acura and a red 2003 Thunderbird pulls up. She misjudged her distance and left a dent on the front bumper. Also a few days ago, I saw an Accord back into a parked car on a dirt parking lot. Got away when the owner came back. No damage but it was a hit and run. At lease I got the plate number just in case.

Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 03:13:35, By MBSL65fan
That's embarrassing.

Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 16:00:11, By Neptune
When I’m in the car, I leave my cell turned off along with the laptop PC. If someone needs to get up with me, they have to wait until I have reached my destination. I just use it in the car for any emergencies that may arise. The only problem is finding a damn cell phone that will actually work. Right now the cell phone I have and it’s network provider work better than any previous phone setup I have ever had.

Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 17:28:57, By antp
I reply to my cell phone only after having parked the car. So if I cannot park the car quickly I do not reply to the phone.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 19:01:46, By badlymad
Funny story, I was on vacation in LA recently when I saw an accident on Hollywood Boulevard. There was a movie premiere at Graumann's Egyptian theatre, and a girl who was distracted by it crashed her Jetta into a Honda Element, which in turn crashed into a Pontiac. The crowd of tourists nearby laughed at the girl, and she had to be consoled by the police officer.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 30/08/2007 @ 23:36:21, By ford_guy
Ford Guy, are you a full time police officer? From reading your previous posts, I thought you were some kind of civilian support worker who went out in patrol cars with cops but wasn't actually a cop.
I did start off as a volunteer support worker. Then I decided to become a reserve law enforcement officer, which I am right now. I don't get paid for my services, but I do hope to become a full-time member in a few years. Right now, I'm concentrating on finishing up school and doing a few other things. When you joing a profession like law enforcement, it's always good to have a back-up plan in case something happens, so school is important to me right now.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 31/08/2007 @ 00:12:09, By G-MANN
[quote=ford_guy,14115] When you joing a profession like law enforcement, it's always good to have a back-up plan in case something happens [quote]
You mean in case you get shot or injured in the line of duty?
In Britain part-time volunteer policemen are called Special Constables. They still have the same powers as regular police officers, but I don't think they recieve regular pay. Members of the Territoral Army (part-time soldiers) get paid for their time though.
You mean in case you get shot or injured in the line of duty?
In Britain part-time volunteer policemen are called Special Constables. They still have the same powers as regular police officers, but I don't think they recieve regular pay. Members of the Territoral Army (part-time soldiers) get paid for their time though.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 31/08/2007 @ 00:16:59, By ford_guy
Right, in case anything happens. Right now, I'm not quite ready to go full-time, but the Special Constables do sound like our counterparts across the pond by the way you describe them.
Have you ever witnessed a car accident?
Published 29/09/2007 @ 16:48:58, By crazyforcars12

cared. Also a diplomat stopped in the middle of the road at the pont de l'alma and went to buy a newspaper