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MMMMMMMMMMM!!! how morbid!!! don't doubt on keeping me up to date if you enter it i'm quite curious on what's in the sinde of it!
how did you discover the garage the Rolls was in by the way?
and do you know anything about why the house was left?

I found the house on the Buildings at Risk register for Scotland. I was just wandering around the grounds snapping photos of the house when I spotted the garage out the corner of my left eye.

The Buildings at Risk register for Scotland doesn't give much information about why the house is empty, but here's what it does give:
"The former owner went bankrupt in 2000 and vacated the property. He and the current owner are in a dispute that is unlikely to be resolved in the short term. Development of the extensive garden grounds is unlikely to be granted Planning Permission."
Most likely nobody would notice if the Rolls went missing. However, moving it would only be possible if you had a tow truck, I think. I doubt any of the cars we own would have the pulling power to tow a car of its weight. Trying to sell it and register it back on the road without the consent of the owner could also be an issue. Still, I'm sure even in that condition it would still fetch a reasonable amount of money.
If you paste the coordinates 55°51'20.94" N 4°35'25.06" W into Google Earth or Google Maps you can see exactly where the house is, and you can see the garage in the back left. It also appears that a large area of the woodland is also within the grounds of the house.
I also visited another abandoned house nearby on the same day. No car at this one and I didn't get inside either, but it's still an interesting find. Here's a video of it followed by a short drive around the area by me:
As for this one, I have no idea what so ever why it's empty. It appears to have been empty for less time and in better condition.
Also interesting is that Rolls Royce in Belgium. It looks like it's been lying abandoned for some time also, but DVLA has the date of liability as January 2009 and vehicle status as "SORN not due".