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Stolen VW Diecast Collection in North Carolina
Published 24/12/2007 @ 01:33:40, By ahight
Looks like they "finally" arrested him. Since mine it looks like he's hit about 17+ other people in our downtown area.

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From Wilmington Police Department News Release
A 43-year-old man suspected in a string of daytime burglaries in Wilmington's downtown historic district and other neighborhoods was charged Saturday with 21 counts of breaking and entering and larceny, and two counts of attempted break-ins.

Gregory Matthew Hess, of Wilmington, was arrested after uniformed patrol officers spotted him and identified Hess as the suspect sought in the rash of burglaries that began more than two weeks ago and primarily targeted home electronics. In addition to the break-ins and thefts, Hess also was cited for two probation violations.

According to a Wilmington Police Department news release, 17 of the charges against Hess stem from incidents reported in the historic residential neighborhoods, and six remaining charges are from incidents reported in the Sunset Park neighborhood.

Hess was booked into the New Hanover County Detention Facility late Saturday afternoon, where he remains held without bail.
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So far I haven't gotten anything else back. Since the lady that gave us Mr. Hess' name to turn into the cops (back in October) said she paid him $120 we actually dropped by her house yesterday and gave her a check for $150 as a "thank you" and made her a Christmas wreath for her door. I'm sure she thought we'd never return her money..but I promised her when we left that I would, and now I feel good that we did.

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Stolen VW Diecast Collection in North Carolina
Published 24/12/2007 @ 05:09:39, By 58_Roadmaster
The Christmas spirit is alive and well in Wilmington! Very happy that you have gotten some closure from all of this.
Best Wishes!
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Stolen VW Diecast Collection in North Carolina
Published 24/12/2007 @ 05:10:30, By MBSL65fan
Justice is served! :grin:
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Stolen VW Diecast Collection in North Carolina
Published 24/12/2007 @ 05:20:55, By Neptune
Indeed, justice is served ... Mr. Hess will be spending Christmas in a cozy jail cell ... I hope he doesn’t drop the soap! :whistle:
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Stolen VW Diecast Collection in North Carolina
Published 24/12/2007 @ 05:34:55, By 58_Roadmaster
About the news video on the web, I found somewhere that if you decrease the video acceleration slider bar in the preferences/options section of Windows Media Player, that often this problem can be solved.
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