Misc » Your favourite color for cars
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Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:25:50, By antp
and now lets stop this conversation here
Off-topic on the forum is not much a problem, as it was created for discussions
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 00:26:38, By CarChasesFanatic
Ah ok

Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 04:46:11, By 58_Roadmaster
I chose red, though I would rarely, if ever, purchase a new car in a red color.
My version of red is burgundy: dark, rich, almost purple red. My Buick is a burgundy, though it is not purple at all.
My version of red is burgundy: dark, rich, almost purple red. My Buick is a burgundy, though it is not purple at all.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 12:11:59, By antp
I hesitated to associate purple with pink, as there are also some purple shades which are close to dark red or dark blue
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/11/2007 @ 18:18:23, By 02Silverado4x4
Green. But not any green, I like what Ford calls "Amazon Green". I'll admit it doesn't look good on all cars (I can't imagine it on, say, my Tempo), but I really like it. No particular reason. I also like dark gray (like the Tempo's Graphite Gray), black and bright red.
Latest Edition: 13/11/2007 @ 18:19:33

Latest Edition: 13/11/2007 @ 18:19:33
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/03/2008 @ 00:43:14, By MrCadillac
Personally, I like Water Green metallic and Champagne Gold, but if a law were passed making bright yellow the MANDATORY color for ALL motorized vehicles, the number of accidents would diminish dramatically, if only for ONE resaon: you can see a bright yellow car better than one of any other color ...except, of course, in the dead of night ! Does anyone know the number of annual fatalities among folks who drive [drove] bright yellow cars ?
What is your favourite color for cars ...
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/03/2008 @ 01:07:52, By taxiguy
There are two colors that look good on any car: black and bright red. To illistrate my point, I give you an average sedan, a Chevrolet Impala painted in both...
and black...
Yellow looks nice too
Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 01:13:06

and black...

Yellow looks nice too

Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 01:13:06
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/03/2008 @ 01:22:55, By CarChasesFanatic
I completely disagree with you, red looks good in a very few cars, not many at all, its awful on many cars, about black i agree, that fits to any car.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/03/2008 @ 01:33:39, By taxiguy
You know, I was trying to think of a car that red looked bad on, and I really couldn't. Well ok, maybe a few cars, such as luxury cars like a Cadillac Deville. But on most compacts and mid-sizes (and even on some full sizes), red looks awesome! Don't you think this Impala looks nice?
Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 01:34:20

Latest Edition: 12/03/2008 @ 01:34:20
Your favourite color for cars
Published 12/03/2008 @ 10:32:20, By antp
Does anyone know the number of annual fatalities among folks who drive [drove] bright yellow cars ?
The problem is that it seems that yellow is usually rather chosen for sportier cars, or people who drive faster / more dangerously.
So the statistics are quite biased.
I remember having read an article about the fact that silver/grey cars had less accidents, or that the drivers of such cars had less injuries.
Despite what the article said, this does not especially mean that silver is a more visible color, but IMHO it means that :
- recent cars are more often silver (it is the most common "color" nowadays)
- recent cars brake better, handle better, and are safer
Maybe it can even be added that people who drive more carefully chose more discrete colors (related to my comment about yellow).
Your favourite color for cars
Published 13/03/2008 @ 19:33:16, By CarChasesFanatic
You know, I was trying to think of a car that red looked bad on, and I really couldn't. Well ok, maybe a few cars, such as luxury cars like a Cadillac Deville. But on most compacts and mid-sizes (and even on some full sizes), red looks awesome! Don't you think this Impala looks nice?

Let's say its not bad, but i still wouldnt buy it in that color.
Your favourite color for cars
Published 14/03/2008 @ 11:11:56, By stronghold
From this great track you'll know what i've voted for

Your favourite color for cars
Published 10/07/2008 @ 00:28:07, By BlackIce_GTS
I don't think red would look good on any Mercedes from the last 20 years.
... I just realized there's a red SL (R230) sitting on top of my computer. It's not bad, but the black one next to it looks nicer.
I don't think it looks good on most SUVs, with Jeep Cherokees being the exception.
... I just realized there's a red SL (R230) sitting on top of my computer. It's not bad, but the black one next to it looks nicer.
I don't think it looks good on most SUVs, with Jeep Cherokees being the exception.