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On Monday, the season finale (Ep. 2.22) of "Chuck" aired in the U.S. I really enjoy the show, and I hope it comes back next season. However, many are worried that it may not.
I know some other members, like antp, have been adding screencaps. I don't want to get in the way of anybody, but I made a few caps of Ep. 2.21. I added some of the caps to exisiting vehicles where applicable. However, the were a few new vehicles.
Ep. 2.21 "Chuck vs. the Colonel"
Dodge Challenger R/T
The car has a California 2GAT123 license plate.
Cadillac CTS
The car on the left is a Chrysler Sebring Convertible. It seems to be the vehicle of choise for Fulcrum baddies.
Fake plate.
I know some other members, like antp, have been adding screencaps. I don't want to get in the way of anybody, but I made a few caps of Ep. 2.21. I added some of the caps to exisiting vehicles where applicable. However, the were a few new vehicles.
Ep. 2.21 "Chuck vs. the Colonel"
Dodge Challenger R/T
The car has a California 2GAT123 license plate.
Cadillac CTS
The car on the left is a Chrysler Sebring Convertible. It seems to be the vehicle of choise for Fulcrum baddies.
Fake plate.